To me, having people over means I can make a dessert that I wouldn't normally make for just my little family because then there will be people to eat more of it so I don't eat it all. So naturally, I made a cake for John and Allison's weekend here. Baking, by the way, is so much better than cleaning. Just in case you were wondering. I used a recipe I saw on Sweetapolita. I've been dying to try this one out! I used decaffeinated coffee in the cake which did intensify the chocolate flavor, and I used the recommended cocoa. It was delicious and I exercised restraint and ate no more than 4 pieces over the weekend. 




On Saturday, we left the girls with a friend, and headed up to San Franciso. I love San Francisco. I want to live there so bad! We drove across the Golden Gate, parked and took a little stroll. Then we drove through the city to show John and Allison the amazing architecture and homes. The hill we drove up was insane (top of it is broadway and divisadero)! It doesn't look nearly as steep in the pictures. We found this great little academy that's in one of the gorgeous houses and were able to get our own personal tour (Allison's a Montessori school teacher). I wish I had taken a photo of the toddler-sized solid oak library chairs. I want one! After that, we went to the Mission district and checked out some shops. We ate at Pizzeria Delfina and had ice cream at Bi-Rite Creamery - two SF faves for good reason! The weekend John and Allison visited will always be viewed fondly! Come back soon!

the bay
golden gate
golden gate
all of us

Can I just say how lovely it is to have family visit? I adore my brother, and I love Allison. We were so excited have them come visit. When Holly saw them at the airport, she ran a turbo circle and screamed. Greta wanted to look at them and see what they were about. It wasn't long before she was in their arms. Holly fell in complete love with John and Allison this weekend. She was sad to wake up Monday morning and they weren't here. John and Allison brought a couple gifts, one of which was "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" for Holly. We read it at least a dozen times over the weekend. She loves it! I'm not sure if it's the book that she loves so much as the people who gave it to her. By Sunday night, it was all about John and Allison cuddles. I loved seeing my brother as an Uncle. Holly was clammering all over him. He even took her for a little walk on Sunday before supper. It was a happy weekend. John and Allison, please come back soon!!

Holly and John
auntie allison
auntie allison

We did it again. A couple weeks ago, we stayed home for date night. We made delicious French Onion Soup. Seriously amazing! I like staying home for date night. It's relaxing and economical and I love to cook and make food that takes a little more time and effort.

french onion soup
french onion soup
french onion soup
french onion soup
french onion soup
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