Greta is 9 months! The most exciting thing is that she took her first crawl-step last night and today, she took a couple wobbly crawl-steps! We're very excited to have a soon-to-be crawling baby in our home. Greta has continued to pull herself around via her arms a toes (she's going to be great at the butterfly when she learns to swim) and figured out that she can follow me around our apartment and get to places, not just to things. She gets very sad when Holly and I are in the kitchen and she works so hard to join us. Greta does not like to feel left out. I think that she's grown a lot in the last month. She's longer and bigger. Her hair is getting really thick and it's starting to get longer. Sometimes, after a sweaty nap, Greta's hair has a little bit of wave to it which deepens my hope that she'll have curly hair one day. Right now, poor Greta has croup. She cried all night last night and while I wish I could say we enjoyed some cuddles, she was inconsolable and did not cuddle up to me. She's very sad and there wasn't much I could do for her. Greta is a sensitive little baby. She has a tender heart just like her Dad. Greta has 4 teeth. Her two bottom middle ones, and two on the top, but they aren't the middle ones. They're the two to the right of the middle of her mouth. Does that make sense? She has another one, the middle left tooth, working it's way out. Greta is a very good eater. She loves cheerios and this past month, she learned to feed herself her bottle. She's pretty pleased about that little accomplishment. We love our Greta so much!


Greta at 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 months. Can I just say that I'm so glad I've stuck with this monthly photo? It's been really fun.

Motherhood is not a hobby, it's a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something you do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for.

— Neil L. Anderson

Last weekend, we drove out to Half Moon Bay to walk up and down mainstreet and spend a little bit of time at the beach. It was a lovely trip. The beach was such a highlight. The sunset was amazing! Both our girls were thrilled to be at the beach again! Holly took off her shoes and socks instantly and her sweater and coat were quick to follow. She was running around the beach and was completely happy. She came home covered in sand! And as soon as Greta had the opportunity, she was eating sand! She was laying on her stomach and it was almost like the sand had her in a trance as she lowered her head. It was hilarious! We love the beach so much. Our next move need to be to Europe or closer to the beach.

we need to get this kid a bike!Holly
Say what? Holly's smiling nicely for pictures? This is a new development that I'm very happy about!Holly
the girls
She couldn't help herself!Greta

Ahh! I finally made something for myself! The fabric I used I already had on hand. I love this pencil skirt pattern. It comes together so quickly and is so easy to wear. I think it's pretty chic too. Overall, I'm just thrilled to have made something for me. I hope to make a skirt and a dress for myself before Christmas. I hope... I put together a list of things I want to make the other night and the deadlines for each. It's an overwhelming list. I need either slash and burn or get pregnant.... Somehow, I can do pretty much anything when I'm with child.


Last night, we went to our church's parking lot and did a trunk-or-treat. We live in an apartment complex and so do a lot of other families. I'm sure all the house-dwellers dread Halloween and how much it costs them in candy. Holly loved running around and getting candy. She loved seeing all her friends too! We invited one of her favorite friends John and his family to trunk-or-treat with us. These two are so cute together! And John has a little sister who is only a couple months older than Greta. I love it when families match up!

john and holly
These two have been mistaken for siblings.john and holly
stroller baby #1greta
stroller baby #2heleina
handing out the goods
Holly's hair in french braidsbraids
made possible by the sesame street trance!braids
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