Holly loves her sword, shield and crown that she "earned" at our Muirhead vacation. She plays with them all the time! Here's the proof:


Special thanks to Nana and Papa!

On the last day of our family vacation with the Muirheads, we dressed like the royalty that we are and enjoyed activities that Catherine had planned for the kids!

Holly thinks she's the fairest of them all!Holly
our royal family
muirhead men
And this was as good as it was going to get with Holly. At least Greta's smiling.the girls and their grandparents

Ugh. It's been a stessful 2 weeks. A stressful 2 months actually. Conor has pneumonia and I'm not feeling too hot either. Holly's a toddler who throws tantrums, but Greta, she's my sunshine. I can never be upset when I'm holding her. We're so lucky to have her in our family! I'm sure she'll throw tantrums soon enough, but until then, I'm going to soak up her sweetness. Here's some photos I took of the girlies this afternoon. Besides buying a great-fitting pair of jeans at Target while waiting for my prescription to be filled, the photos are pretty much the only thing I did today!

This photo really shows have different the girls are. Blue-eyed blond Holly, dark-eyed brunette Greta. And their skin tones are so different too! Greta's so, so white next to Holly.sisters
I love it when chubby little babies start grabbing their feet. Greta's completely intrigued by those 10 little piggies.Greta

As a part of our Muirhead vacation, we went to Silverwood. It was a bit of a bummer in terms of rides for our family. There wasn't much we could do! So we won't be going to Disneyland as soon as I thought. Oh well. The ice cream was pretty good and Holly had fun in the splash pool.

elephant ride
ice cream
Larsen Family
Holly and Jim
Josh and Dyl
No theme park is complete without cotton candy!Conor
Daria and Lola
Nate and his boys
Cranmer Family
Holly and me

After we stayed with my parents in BC, we drove to Idaho to stay in the Idaho Castle with Conor's family. Just like Daria, I would not recommend the castle to anyone. The unfinished details were remarkable. It was terrible, but we'll have that memory to laugh about forever. The only things going for it were: each family had their own room and the view was amazing. Holly really loved spending time with her cousins. I didn't know where she was half the time, but she was pretty much always happy! As usual, Felix and her got on great. But Holly discovered some of her other cousins, like Lola and Finn. It took a little bit for Holly and Lola to warm up to each other but it was the best when I found them upstairs chasing each other and giggling. And Finn and Holly were surprisingly quite the pair. Holly's really high energy and Finn gets scrappy. They were a funny little combo! 

the view
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