Sweet baby Greta is 6 months old. She gets funner and funner every day! Her giggle and smile light up my life. The poor thing isn't feeling well at all just like the rest of us. Right now, she prefers having a bottler or soother in her mouth and she wants to be snuggled. Speaking of a soother, Greta loves her soother! She's come a long way. She used to despise soothers, but now she takes one every time she goes to sleep and during the day when she gets fussy. It's been great. 

Greta 6 months
Sweet Greta
sad Greta

Greta at 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 months.

Greta has tried solid foods, but, despite the smile, she's not the biggest fan so we're going to hold off for another couple weeks.solid foods

I gave birth to a very cherubically beautiful baby. Greta is such a little darling. She melts my heart. Not only is she an extremely adorable and chubby baby, but she also has a very sweet personality to match! She's my sunshine.

Greta's newest face. She just discovered she has lips! This is my new favourite photo of Greta!Greta
Holly also adores Greta. Despite her roughness, Holly is the best big sister. She's always including "Deda" and informs me when she cries. Their relationship is ideal.Holly & Greta

This past Saturday, we headed to the Boardwalk and Beach at Santa Cruz. It was the perfect day! We spent the morning walking around the boardwalk. Holly and Conor rode a couple rides (I loved that we didn't have to pay and entry free, just for the rides we chose to go on) and then we went and grabbed some yucky carnival food for lunch. (Note to self: next time, choose the soft serve ice cream over the funnel cake) While Conor went to grab our beach stuff, Holly and I rode the 100 year old Looff carousel. It was great! Holly loves carousels and so do I. The riders on the outside edge could grab metal rings and throw them at a creepy laughing clown. The idea was to get the ring into the clown's cylindrical mouth and which point it would make a noise. Holly liked to mimic the people throwing the rings. It was really cute!

Holly & me

The beach was amazing! The sand was so soft and fine. Holly loved flitting around on the beach running in and out of the water, until she fell and got sucked under. Fortunately, Conor swiftly grabbed her, but she was still wary of the water for quite a while. It was fine, because Holly loved playing in the sand and laying on her stomach in the stuff. She had sand everywhere by the time we left! We had such a great time. The beach was perfect, the sun was shining, everyone was happy. We have to go back to Santa Cruz!

Conor & Greta
the beach
Conor and Holly

Remember this muslin that I did for Greta? And then remember how my good run was too big, even for Holly? While I did end up making a dress for Greta. Just the bodice was made out of the sweet fabric. But all in all, it looks really cute on her. What do you think? I learned a lot. Mostly that I really like this bodic style as Holly's birthday dress is the exact same except from a pattern.


...a zig-zag quilt that's all boy!

boy quilt
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