I can hardly believe my Greta is 5 months old. Do I say this every month? Greta went through a massive growth spurt recently and became noticeably heavier and longer. Maybe now we can start sleeping through the night? I hope so! Greta makes the cutest noises (still) and is super chatty (still). She continues to love to be held and cry when she's not being held. It's great having a cuddly baby except for when I can't cuddle and she's screaming. Greta's starting to realize that other people besides herself exist and may be relatively funny. It's cute to see her and Holly interact. The other day, a 5-year old had her belly laughing without looking at her or touching her. He was just doing running headstands on the couch and Greta found that to be hysterical. It was really cute. I think she'll stay brunette as her eyebrows are really dark. Her eyes have a ring of blue and the rest is green/brown/something not blue. She loves to look at her hands and grab things. She chews on everything and spits up and drools all. the. time. Her fine motor skills impress me. And she's becoming more mobile. She can spin herself in circles while laying on the floor and can roll both ways. Oh, and she loves to be bounced. We love our Greta! 


Greta at four, three, two and one months.

I really wanted to throw a shindig with nanaimo bars and chocolate puffed wheat squares. I even bought tacky paper plates, etc for it. But it wasn't meant to be. Maybe next summer? Hopefully.

Special thanks to Nana for decking the girls out! We love you!Holly
This is my reality. We have a long to-do list and lots of boxes that still need to be packed. And then I have to unpack everything on the other end.packing reality
This reality is so much cuter. Greta gets chubbier and chubbier every day. She is in or ending a growth spurt and is notably heavier and longer. She's so chatty and sweet and smiley. I could eat her.cute reality

Denver isn't my forever place, but I'm still so sad to be leaving. As I was rocking Greta to sleep, I looked around and realized how much I have loved having my own space. I love the paint colors. I love our wood floors. I love the amount of storage space we have here. I love playing in the pool with Holly. I really do like my kitchen. I love our big windows. I had so many dreams for this little place of ours. SO many. Honestly, my mind is brimming with all the DIYs, etc that I had planned for decor. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. And I'm choked. 

I randomly cry. Luckily my friend who I've cried in front of twice (I feel safe around her - she's the best) has been understanding and kind. I love the freshness of Denver. I love the mountains to the west. I love the blue sky that streches so big. I love the thunderstorms. I love the rain. I love the sudden snowstorms. I love how Denver and its citizens daily inspire and remind me to love the outdoors and be active. I love the easy culture. I love the acceptance I've found here. 

Both my daughters were born here. Conor and my relationship changed here into something it could've never become had we stayed in Calgary. We're different. I've learned so much about myself while living here. I'm going to miss it. I'm going to miss my friends here and Holly's friends. She can say the names (or a variation) of her closest friends and I love it. I know I'll make new friends in California and it'll be fine, but some of our friends here we've been friends with from the beginning. Hopefully I can maintain those relationships. Our door is always open dear Denver friends.

Holly slept in a laundry basket again. I'm not sure what convinces her that sleeping in a laundry basket is fun and exciting and comfortable. These days, Holly rarely sleeps in her bed. Usually she takes her pillow, a blanket and ducky and sleeps under the crib. It does make a pretty neat fort. I think she'd die if I made this easy tent for her.


Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

— Howard Thurman
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