My parents have this great mini electric scooter. Holly loved riding on it with her aunts although her expression says otherwise.

Holly & Alanna
Holly & Kim
Holly & Kim

We celebrated Holly's second birthday while in Yahk. She was so much fun. She loved her gifts and her classic worms in dirt cake. She loved the attention. She's the sweetest two-year old ever. She's so much fun and full of energy. She's kind and caring. She's the best big sister. I'm so glad Holly's my daughter!

Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly let out little gasps of joy as the pop-pop unfolded. She loves her pop-pop! Thanks Mom and Dad!Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Contemplating the last two years of her life.Holly's birthday
This photo is a miracle. Holly never smiles for me like this. Ever. I love it!Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
"Blow out the candles," says Granny.Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
She was so cute and quite the pro when it came to blowing out the candles.Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday

Three days after moving into our apartment in California, we climbed back into the car and drove the 20+ hours to Yahk, BC. It was kind of brutal, but I was really looking forward to having some R'n'R with my family. It was so nice to spend time with them. I loved it, the girls loved it! I'll be posting pictures of our trip this week. First off, my little water baby spent a ton of time playing in my mom's galvanized laundry tub. She loved it. Holly's so stinking cute.

Holly & Greta
Holly & Greta & Granny
This photo is a favourite of mine!Holly

We've begun potty training. It's way hard! Holly's been interested in the potty for a while now and is always asking to sit on the potty. So, since I don't have any friends, I decided to jump headfirst into potty training. Holly was really emotional and screamed a ton yesterday. I think she felt really anxious about the transition. The anxiety died down today quite a bit, but we still had a couple meltdowns. Buuut, we've had some success. Yesterday, Holly pooped on the potty. She was panicking a little bit leading up to it, but she did it and I was amazed. And then she peed once in the potty. Whenever she wet herself she would say, "potty" or acknowledge that it was happening. 

Today, she was much less anxious. We tried pull-ups this morning because she saw them and wanted to wear them, but those were just a waste. She used them like a diaper. Holly again pooped in the potty and peed once. But, that was all. Here's what I found really frustrating. Nearly every time the little stinker would wet herself it was within 5 minutes of her getting up from the potty after sitting on it for a good amount of time. I'm not totally sure what to do about that! Do I take her off and then put her back on again? Oh, and she stopped acknowledging that she had peed. My tactic for getting her to sit on the potty for a while is I give her a fun sticker and we play with it and talk about it. It's great bonding time for us, lots of quality time! But, my question is, do you have any suggestions? I think if she had 3 successful pee in the potty experiences, we'd be in the clear and I would feel much better. So how do I get Holly to stop wetting herself shortly after she's just sat on the dang pot?


We made it to California! Today was our first full day in the state and we decided to go be beach bums. So off to Half Moon Bay we went to play in the sand, dip our toes in the ocean and get sunburned. When we got there, I felt as though I should erect a "This is the Place" monument, because I'm in love. Conor commented that he thinks I'm a California girl because hanging out on the beach is totally my style. I inherited that specific gene from my mother. And then Conor went on to warn me that not every day would be like this. I laughed and responded, "not for you." Because let's be real, as a stay at home Mom I can go to the beach pretty much anytime I want. And I'm going to want to go all the time. 

Holly was unsure of the sand on her feet to begin with but after standing her up in the sand away from the blanket, she had no choice but to accept the sand between her toes. This was a big deal because Holly wlil spend hours meticulously picking her (and anyone else's) toe jam from her feet. We loved sitting on the beach, listening to the waves and sometimes dipping our tootsies into the cold water. We ate fresh fruit, pesto-artichoke bread and cake. And it was amazing. The best first visit to the Pacific Ocean. Folks, I'm never leaving.

Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay
Annoyed with the wet sand on her hands.Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay
Sand and cake - yum!Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay
Greta loved the sand on her toes. And yes, I'm ashamed, but she also got sunburned.Half Moon Bay
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