Sunday morning, Conor and I discussed Greta's most recent bowel movements. It had been a few days and she was wearing a cream dress. Knowing that when it did happen it probably would be big, I was crossing my fingers that it wouldn't happen in the middle of church. It didn't. Instead, Greta let loose right after Conor fed her when she was sitting on his lap. She pooped with such force that it shot out of the side of her diaper onto Conor's lap, through his legs and onto the couch. It was so gross! Definitely Conor's grossest moment in fatherhood. Luckily, she didn't poop on her dress!

Some more cute photos of Conor and his girls!cute pic

Yay! We love Father's Day! As per usual, it was a day of good food - all of Conor's favourites. Eggs Benedict, French Dip Sandwiches, Bruschetta, Pavlova... yum! Conor is an amazing father. He's the funnest to play with. Both Holly and I love it when we plays with us. He's a pro at putting Holly to bed. I take tips from him in that arena! I love the way Conor loves his babies. He's such a proud papa and we're so glad he's ours!

eggs benny
Conor and the girls
the family
the family
beautiful Greta

We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

— Joseph Campbell

We drive past this grain elevator on each trip to Calgary and back again. I love it. This last trip, we made a point to remember where it was so I could take photos of it. Around mile marker 46 on the US-191 is where you can find it!

grain elevator
grain elevator
grain elevator
Conor and Holly stretching their bodies while I took a few amateur shots.Holly & Conor
Holly & Conor

I finally got to meet my best friend, Hayley's baby! Macy and Greta are already best friends. They're 6 weeks apart and hopefully we'll be able to get them (and ourselves) together during future trips to Calgary now that Hayley and her husband are planted there for med school and probably forever after that.

Greta and Macy
Greta and Macy
Greta and Macy Hayley and Katie
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