The kid loves bubbles. Seriously loves them.

They're her bubbles, so don't even think about it!bubbles
Love this photo!bubbles
Holly smiling and baby talking at Greta.bubbles

Ever since Elizabeth and Felix stayed with us for 10 days in February, Holly and Felix have been thick as thieves. They love all of their reunions and get along famously. It's fun to watch them play and fight and love each other. These two could play forever together.

Felix and Holly
Felix and Holly
Felix and Holly
Felix and Holly
Felix and Holly
Felix and Holly
Felix and Holly

My mother is a poem I'll never be able to write, though everything I write is a poem to my mother.

— Sharon Doubiago

Okay, everything needs to slow down a little. I can hardly stand that my baby girl is already 4 months old! Greta had her 4 month well check today and she's a whopping 12 lbs 9 oz (25th percentile) and is 24 inches long (55th percentile). She has gotten so, so tall in the last couple months. She's quickly catching up to her peers and you'd never know that she started out a mere 5 lbs. In so many ways I feel like a first time Mom with Greta - she's just so different from Holly. Their personalities are opposite in so many ways. Greta loves to be held and screeches for attention (literally screeches like a pterodactyl). She also likes to play with toys! It's so fun! Here's my darling baby getting bigger and bigger each month.

Greta - 4 months
Greta - 4 months
Greta - 4 months
Greta - 4 months
Greta - 4 months

Greta at 1, 2 and 3 months.

I packed up Greta's 0-3 month clothes. My throat hurt when I held up her preemie clothing - it all looks like doll clothes and was once a little on the big side but I can't really remember. I think not remembering makes me the saddest. I'm so grateful I have video and photos. Or else I'd be a real mess! Although, if I could have one wish granted I wish I could cuddle 5 lb Greta just once more. 

I put Greta in my absolute favourite sleeper and snapped a bunch of photos before I washed it and tucked it away. Why don't babies stay little forever?

My favourite photo of the bunch!Greta
Baby crunches are the best. Little miss macho does them all the time.Greta
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