Holly can really get around the house these days. She's quite skilled with the kitchen chairs. She can get them anywhere and can get into anything and she loves it. Me? Not so much in love. Last week, she decided to help herself to some chocolate zucchini bread (made by a friend) that was on the countertop. I was in the office and I came into the living room/dining room because Holly was letting out exclamations of "YUM!" She was throwing her head back and saying "yum" like the zucchini bread was the best thing in the world. It was really good, so I don't blame the kid. At least she parked herself in her seat at the table right?


Holly had her first real temper tantraum Sunday night when we were putting her to bed. She screamed in her room for a while before settling down to sleep. I was so glad I peeked into her room before I went to bed. There she was, sleeping in a laundry basket at the head of her bed. She made sure to bring Susie, her doll, ducky and her pillow. I couldn't help but take photos. Who's kid is this?! And how did she think this up?!


Well, I got a little carried away with my adjustments and ended up making the pattern too big and I cut into my good fabric. Luckily, it fit Holly. Well actually, it's a bit too big for Holly even. I need to move the buttons and hopefully that will help. I learned a lot. I'm in the process of making a dress for Greta still. Photos to follow when it's done. I'm excited for my next project...

Fabric for upcoming projects.fabric

This morning, I drew out a bodice pattern, sewed it up in muslin and tried it one Greta (she really wanted to eat it!). It turned out a little small so now that I have my notes on where to increase, I'm going to get back at it. In the meantime, I have the sizing right for 0-3 month size. I think this is going to be a really cute little dress! Folks, this is a first and something I've really wanted to but I have been able to muster up the guption until now. I'm really excited. I think I've turned over a new leaf.

muslin bodice on Greta

I love these dresses on my girls. Both are hand-me-downs. Holly's is from Zara and Greta's is from Baby Boden. I'm going to try to knock-off Greta's. I really want to start sewing with patterns I make. I think it'll be fun. I have some plans for this summer - wish me luck!

I die every time Greta smiles. She's too cute!Greta
This photo deserves a spot on the wall. I love it!G&H
the women
Greta is so proud of her standing up abilities. She always gets a little smirky.Greta
Conor and the girls
Holly adores these sock monkey nesting dolls. She spends so much time playing with them!Holly
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