Holly loves it when we put Greta in her bed with her. Holly loves Greta period. It's incredible. I'm so grateful Holly welcomed Greta into our family with open arms. She has such a big heart. 


Look what came in the mail last week! 10 half yards of Art Gallery Fabric. I should have enough here to make 2 quilts. I can't wait!

art gallery fabric

My friend (and Conor's cousin), Esther, took some great photos of our little family last month. Visit her blog and check them out! Thanks Esther!

Greta is 2 months old today! She weighs nine whole pounds (10th percentile). She does not have hip dysplasia (yay!) but she does have a bit of reflux. Greta continues to adore being held, but she knows when it's bedtime. She has started smiling and is working on cooing. I still think she's the prettiest baby ever!

If you'd like to view the photos I took of Greta at one month, click here. Her thighs have gotten so much chunkier! I love it!

Greta - 2 months
Greta - 2 months
Greta - 2 months
Greta - 2 months
Greta - 2 months
Greta - 2 months

These business cards are the inspiration for Greta's birth announcements. When I saw them, I immediately knew that doing a similar watercolor treatement on Greta's birth announcements would give them just the right amount of whimsy. Plus, my Mom (a watercolor expert) came to visit shortly after Greta's birth and I knew we could hone in on her skills, knowledge and supply of paints and brushes. Conor designed the text and printed off the invitations 7 to a sheet. Then we painted along one edge and let them dry (my Mom's were the best). Once dry, we cut them apart and mailed them. Each announcement is unique. I'm so pleased with the result. They really turned out lovely and the whole project cost less than $10 (not including printing the photos). Isn't that awesome?

birth announcements
birth announcements
birth announcements
birth announcements
birth announcements
birth announcements

Note: if you didn't receive one, please don't be offended. Having babies leaves me in less than my best head space and I know that some were forgotten on my "to mail" list.

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