Look what I made this weekend:

crocheted slippers
crocheted slippers

Aren't they cute? They were so simple to make! These shoes are probably size 2-3, much too big for Greta (her feet aren't even size 1 yet!). I'm hoping to pick up some smaller crochet hooks so I can make some more dainty slippers for Greta. 

Pattern from Little Birdie Secrets.


PS: Greta's 8 weeks old today. Isn't she such a doll?

Greta 8 weeks

We took a quick trip to Calgary this past week and while we were there Conor gave Greta Elizabeth a baby blessing in his parents' home. I love this part of motherhood! My mother-in-law, Catherine, made a gorgeous cotton dress for Greta. It turned out lovely and simple - just the way I wanted it. The cupcakes I wanted to serve, however, did not turn out causing an emotional volcano to errupt in me. I was ready to call the whole thing off! Fortunately, my in-laws showed more compassion than I deserved and offered to purchase Crave cupcakes for the event. Honestly, they saved the day. I'd like to say that the rest of the blessing went off without a hitch, but Holly was a bear and Greta was too. Conor blessed her while her uncle John held a bottle in her mouth! One perk of blessing a baby at home rather than at church is there's no rush! The blessing was beautiful, although I'm glad it was recorded because right now thinking back to it I only remember one thing! I admit to feeling a little more than flustered. Ah well. So it goes when I'm 7 weeks post pardum. At least I had to sense to take a bundle of photos!

Greta's blessing
Greta's blessing
Greta's blessing
Greta's blessing
Greta's blessing
Greta's blessing
Greta's blessing
Greta's blessing

If you'd like to view more photos from Greta's blessing, click here.

Holly may be getting close to being ready to potty train. She does not like having a dirty diaper and has her diaper changed willingly. If she's poopy after a nap she'll usually just lay down on the floor and wait. One morning, she looked as though she intended to change her own diaper with her pjs around her ankles and wipes all around her. She's also added the words, "poopy" and "pee-pee" to her vocab.

I bought a potty chair and Holly loves to sit on it. She has yet to produce anything while sitting on it, but here's hoping that that day isn't too far away!


PS - I love this color of orange on her!

Conor finished school in December and had his graduation ceremonies yesterday (he now has a Bachelor of Science). It was realy great to see him walk across the stage - I felt so proud. Conor is such a smart man, he graduated suma cum laude. I'm so glad we went to the ceremony. It wasn't easy, I nearly went home when I couldn't find anywhere to park. Fortunately, a parking spot opened up just as I was about to completely give up! Holly was so well behaved and Greta slept the whole time, which was a relief, because I was solo.


Little Greta Elizabeth is so cute and a very agreeable baby. She loves to be held and I spend a lot of time each day holding her. She cries often if she's put down, but stops immediately upon being picked up. It's really gratifying to have her stop crying as soon as I pick her up - I love it! She's a real cuddler. Fortunately, Greta is okay to sleep in her own bed at night. Often, she still joins me (or Conor) in my bed in the early morning for our last stretch of snoozing. 

Greta will not take a soother at all. We've tried 5 different types and she refuses and acts like they're the most disgusting thing ever. She's a bit of a snob that way.

Greta is getting so big. On Wednesday, she weighed 7 lbs 10 oz. I've dressed her in some 0-3 month clothing in the last week, which are still pretty big on her. She's definitely getting great use out of her newborn sized clothing.

Greta might have hip dysplasia. The next step is getting an ultrasound done on her hips. I'm hoping that she doesn't have it, however I wouldn't be surprised if she did because I've had so much trouble and pain in my hips over the years. The sling or harness that Greta would have to wear for the first 6 weeks (about) is definitely awkward and less than stylish. We'll see what happens...

In the meantime, lookit how cute my baby is when she's sleeping!

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