My Mom's here and it's been fabulous. Greta's getting cuddled, Holly's getting played with. I'm hoping I become less sleep deprived.

Granny and Greta's first time meeting at the airport.Granny & Greta

Well, having a baby did not break Holly of her obsession. We gave her a doll at the hospital and she loves her doll. She's always toting her around and playing Mommy. Earlier this week, I busted out the Baby Bjorn at the grocery store. Later that evening, Holly insisted that I wear it with her doll in it while I vacuumed. She was pleased as punch when I put the Baby Bjorn on her. What a goof!

baby love

I really, really hope that Holly and Greta will be best friends. Holly loves Greta with all her heart and adores cuddling her. I'm so grateful Greta has an exceptionally strong neck! Every photo I take of Greta and Holly reminds me of the photos of my brother holding me when I was a newborn. I hope Holly and Greta have the kind of relationship John and I have.


Can't get enough of our little family? Me neither. You can view more photos on my Flickr page.

Does anyone else mourn the growth of their babies? Greta is growing much too quickly in my opinion. I would've liked it if she stayed her little 4 lb 12 oz self that she was the day we brought her home from the hospital for just a little longer. But no. When we brought her home, she was swimming in the sleeper she wore. Now it fits her perfectly. It makes me want to cry. 


Greta Elizabeth is a really pretty baby, everyone says so. Honestly. And trust me, I'm not the type to think a baby is pretty just because she's a baby. Conor and I both think she has the sweetest chin. And I think her lips are darling. Plus the dark hair... yup, I made one beautiful baby! Her hairband is from Lou and Lee. I think I'm going to have to buy some more!

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