Greta is such a sweet baby. She's so good. She's taken well to sleeping at night and spends more time in her bed at night than ours these days. Yay! She doesn't cry very much and when she does, she stops as soon as she's picked up. She loves to be held and cuddled. I was so worried that I wouldn't love her as much as I love Holly, but I love them both with all my heart! I'm really enjoying Greta - she's such a treat!

Greta has the cutest curlicue on her forehead and a wicked cowlick. The cowlick comes from my family - Greta's cowlick is just like my sister Kimberly's. One day it'll be difficult to work with, but right now it's adorable!Greta

Holly's doing a stellar job at adjusting to sisterhood. She loves to hold Greta and gets really concerned when Greta cries. She's even gotten rather protective of Greta when other kids are around. It has been an emotional adjustment and we've had a fair share of melt downs. Holly's also gotten major cabin fever so I'm doing my best to ensure we have at least one excursion a day even if it's just a quick walk. Which isn't too hard to do since I'm feeling pretty good and Greta's sleeping surprisingly well (knock on wood!). 

My sister-in-law Elizabeth posted some photos of my L&D and some newborn photos of Greta on her blog. You won't want to miss them! 

We try to take advantage of the free days here in Denver and Saturday was a free day at the zoo. So off we went to be outside for a little while and look at animals. Holly was more interested in the people and the Canadian Geese than any of the animals. She did take some interest in the grizzly bear and called it a puppy. 

I love Holly's pointy little index finger. She loves to point at things she's excited about.Holly
Greta and I
the girls
Holly and Conor
Greta wore a cute little outfit to the zoo and madethis face when I was taking photos of her - it's one of her classics so far.Greta

You asked for it, so you're getting it! Again, photos curtesy of Elizabeth

The Girls
The Girls
The Girls
The Girls
The Girls
The whole family

Conor's sister, Elizabeth, captured our dwindling time as a family of three. Can you believe we're four now?

family of 3
family of 3
family of 3
family of 3
family of 3
family of 3
This is such a classic Holly of 3
family of 3
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