The guest bedroom is tidy and ready for guests! Isn't that exciting? The paint is "Limesickle" by Benjamin Moore. There's nothing on the walls. I'd love to get a fun mirror to put in there and a cream coloured or chocolate brown duvet cover and shams. But, until we get to that point, it's functional and clean and that's good enough for me!

guest bedroom
guest bedroom
guest bedroom

How little of permanent happiness could belong to a couple who were only brought together because their passions were stronger than their virtue.

— Jane Austen

I'm going to start doing an end of the week feature on my blog where I share things I've found during the week that caught my eye and that I want to share with you. I hope you enjoy it! 

I hope everybody has a lovely weekend! - Katie

The nursery is just about done as is it's going to get! I'd like to add a few frames and a little coat rack and of course, there's the roman blind and the curtains to conceal the closet... but for the moment, it's done.

Holly's bed
crib and bed
crib and bunting


  • Paint color - "Pale Avocado" by Benjamin Moore
  • Holly's Toddler Bedding - Carousel Designs
  • Elephant bookshelf - Dwell Studios
  • Bear and Doe prints - Binth
  • Greta's bedding fabric - It's a hoot by Moma for Moda
  • Bunnies and bunting made by me

Overall, I'm really pleased with the room and if feels a lot more spacious than I originally anticipated. It's so fun to have a little girl's room!

The last two days, I've been worrying myself sick because Greta measured itty bitty at my ultrasound on Monday. Today, we had a follow-up ultrasound where absolutely everything was checked and Greta's totally fine! She weighs between 5 lbs 6oz and 5 lbs 11 oz, which puts her in about the 25th percentile. Turns out, I'm just packing her away really well. I find it incredible that my body can build another little body. It's amazing to see her little heart pumping and feel her squirm around. She's such a different baby from Holly, so much more active. And from the ultrasound pictures, it seems to me that she'll look quite different from Holly too. I think she has my nose - it's kind of bulbous looking when in newborn phase, poor girl. But, I love my nose now so I'll happily pass that onto my daughter. I think her lips may be fuller than Holly's. I'm just dying to meet her! I had gotten myself all excited about being induced this week. Let's just say, I got A LOT done these last two days! 

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