I found Holly the cutest leather riding boots at Gap for a mere $7. She's not too sure about them, perhaps because they're a size too big, but they're so dang cute on her pudgy legs! She received compliment after compliment on them at church. Holly looked so sweet yesterday. I recently gave her a haircut (it's now all pretty much the same length and ready to grow out mullet-free) and after her bath on Sunday her hair flipped out at the ends. She really is an adorable little girl in my opinion! We love her!

cute Holly
cute boots
Mommy and Holly

And here's what I look like at just about 24 weeks pregnant. I think I'm carrying even higher than I did with Holly. The breathlessness that I get periodically is a big indication. Greta is a much more active fetus than Holly was as well. She's always wiggling around. I'm beginning to feel more tired as I get closer to my third trimester, and that's making me panic because there's still so much to do! I need my Mother to come down for a week and help me crank out projects!

24 weeks

I think I got it backwards. I think I was supposed to do the intricate, take a lot of time quilt for Holly and then simplify with each child, not the other way around. Yet here I am, making a quilt that requires more trimming than I anticipated. It's a miracle that I haven't trimmed it away! After the work I've done today and tonight, I have 64 blocks that are each 3.25" square. I'll be dreaming in rotary mat green! Did I mention that I plan on hand quilting this bad boy? Maybe I'm insane. 

These make up the quarters of the pinwheel squares. Each had to be trimmed to 2"x2", so the instructions said. I don't know where on earth my initial cutting went wrong, but these trimmed to 2" by shorter than 2".quarters

Here's some perhaps more exciting news: the drywall in the nursery is getting patched tomorrow! After that we'll have baseboards to fix, walls to paint and carpet to install. And then, I get to decorate a little girls' room! Hip hip hooray! I'm very, very excited. 

On the weekend, we took a little day trip to Frisco, CO. It's just less than 2 hours away from our home and we're so glad we went when we did because the leaves in the mountains are yellowing and falling way faster than the leaves in Denver! We had a lot of fun and Holly loved the rocks and the dirt and the dogs! Holly loves puppies. "Puppy" is one of her few words that she says. Our next mountain destination is Breckenridge (not far from Frisco). It's supposed to have a cuter main street and an amazing donut shop!

Holly and Conor
family photo
Do you love my belly ledge that I'm growing especially for Holly's little bottom?Holly and Me
Swinging Holly
gorgeous scenery
the adventurer

Yesterday, I cut and machine pieced a quilt top. It's a gift, but it's so cute, I want to keep it for myself. I've yet to spend real money on a quilt for myself. I think that needs to be done no later than next summer.

The fabric is from Sandi Henderson's Meadowsweet 2 collection.fabric

Holly gave me a hand with the sewing part. What do you do when your daughter is sad and you want to sew? You hold her and make it work!

sewing together
sewing together
sewing together

This afternoon, I began cutting the pieces for Greta's baby quilt. I'm thinking about hand quilting it... Being pregnant has helped me complete so many sewing projects. Home projects are another story completely!

There are chocolate chip cookies in my oven right now baking. I felt really guilty when I began softening the butter in the microwave. But my guilt slowly edged off as I added my sugar, eggs, soda, vanilla, salt, flour and lastly a mix of semi-sweet and milk chocolate chips. And then my guilt just about disappeared as I ate a scoop of cookie dough right out of the bowl. 

You may be wondering, why feel guilty? Well 20 days ago, Conor and I began a 4 week long dessert and treat free challenge and cookies and it's dough fall under the "no-no" category. Remember I did this solo back in June? Well, I've totally caved this time. Being mid-way pregnant makes it really hard because of my insatiable appetite. It was easier the last time I did it, partly because I was barely pregnant and sweets make me sick in the first trimester and also because I was exercising all the time. Excuses, excuses right? Do you want to hear one more? I've not had a good night's rest in I don't even know how long because Holly isn't feeling well and I need a pick-me-up before I have an emotional break down. So there. I'm going to eat chocolate chip cookies today until I feel sick and then I'm going to continue dessert and sugar free until the end of our challenge. 

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