It took me a day to make this Vogue dress. Not a full day, but over the course of the day I completed it. I cut it out during naptime and sewed it up when Holly went to bed. It was such a simple dress to make (only 5 pattern pieces!) and I received lots and lots of compliments today. I'll probably have to belt it as my belly gets bigger so I don't look like one big bump! If you're looking for a quick sewing project or are a beginner, this is an excellent pattern.

And because we were ready for church quite a bit before we had to leave, we had time for some Sunday Family Photos! That's seriously one of my most favourite things! I know one day we'll cherish these snapshots even more than we already do!Sunday Family Photo

Tuesday night I made my first special Greta item. I embellished a grey H&M bodysuit (size 0-1 months, it's so tiny!) with blush pink fabric. The fabric is an old t-shirt of mine. I love the colour of it, but the shirt is too short. Aren't I thrifty? And then, I couldn't help myself. I just had to make something matching for Holly. They'll having matching tops right away - true sisters. I envision both girls wearing their shirts when they meet at the hospital... Life is so sweet! 

Greta's outfit
Matching sisters!


Before we even got a good look at her face she turned her bottom to us and gave us a clear view of her gender. Conor and I both knew before the tech even said it. We're both really excited, me a little more so because the wheels are already turning on all the things I'm going to make (you know, because my "to-make" list could be a little longer). 

And her name is... Greta. I love it! I especially love the way "Holly and Greta" sounds. We're going to keep Greta's middle name a surprise! Anyways, I couldn't be more thrilled that I get to have another little girl to love. And this guarantees that we'll be a family of 5 one day.

The best profile shot. You can see her hands tucked up by her face.Greta
Crossed ankles - so ladylike. Holly always crosses her ankles, so "the girls" (don't you just love that!) have something in common already!Greta
This one is hard to make out, but here Greta is clutching her umbilical cord. The white dots are her knuckles.Greta

Here's what 19 weeks looks like with Baby number 2: 

19 weeks

I don't know about you, but I think it looks really close in size to 21 weeks last time (eek!) only a little higher (is baby another girl?). Sigh. I'll definitely be larger with this baby. Every appointment I kind of hold my breath when I get on the scale, because sometimes the weight gain can be so shocking! Even if it's just a couple pounds! 

And my Holly bear. What a fashionista. Ribbon around her neck, a necklace and sunglasses. I love my little girl! 


Stay tuned... I'll post the gender of Baby #2 by the end of the day. Maybe the baby will even have a name by then! 

In just less than 5 days, I'll know what this baby is. I'm really looking forward to the ultrasound, especially since I often forget that I'm pregnant. Nowadays, I get little kicks and punches that remind me that I'm pregnant, but most of the time I have to be paying attention or still to notice those. The baby's still so little. Conor and I are gunning for a boy, cuz you know, then we could just stop there, or let Baby #3 be our wild child and not really care about the gender. But, if the baby is a girl, we'd both be pleased as punch. I wasn't feeling any vibes either direction until earlier this week when I suddenly started thinking girl. The same thing happened with Holly. Shortly before the ultrasound, I started to really believe she was a girl. A boy would be easier because we have a name picked out for sure and there's less to sew. I think we have a girl's name... I really like it, but it may fall under some scrutiny because although it's semi-traditional, it's different. Holly was such an easy name for us because we loved it above any other name. Oh the drama... Tuesday will be here before I know it...

Anyone want to take a stab at what they think this baby is? Your prize would be the satisfaction of calling it, along with potentially 50% of everyone else who casts their votes.

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