A week ago, UPS brought me my drape fabric and today I got started! I'm making 4 panels and each is one a a half widths, which means aligning the pattern. I put long strips of painter strips on the living room floor (I love my hardwood) and I lined it all up using that. It made the whole process so much easier. I'm done putting the fabric together. Now I need to pick up some lining and attach that. I intend on having the curtains hung by the end of Saturday. The more I work with the fabric, the more I love it. It has a few different colors in it: a minty green, lime green, rich teal, aqua, and grey on a creamy-yellow background and the fabric itself has beautiful texture. It's so perfect! I'm dying to make some throw pillows! Denver Fabrics, here I come!

I bought coordinating floral fabric and I plan on making one or two spool ottomans

Have you noticed the decline in posts? Me too. I can give you a few reasons. One is this second pregnancy. I had a break from the pain of growing (and I mean pain), but now it is back no thanks to scrubbing floors on hands and knees. At least I feel that much better about the cleanliness of my floors. And, reason 2, wouldn't you know it, but half the photos I take of Holly end up something like the first one you see below. The kid loves the camera and because we always let her play with things that cost hundreds of dollars (no) she thinks it belongs to her. Sometimes she brings the camera bag to me grunting, indicating that I should open it for her to play with. So when I do attempt to take photos of her (capture the moments, etc), she comes racing towards me in an attempt to play with what she feels is rightfully hers, only to get really upset and grumpy when I keep the camera out of her reach. In 20+ years when Holly asks why there's such a decline in photographs, I'll tell her it was her fault. Because it is. 

crazy holly
As you can see, Holly did give in to my pleadings and allowed me to photograph her. She even played along by posing (albeit goofily) and I managed to take about 5 photos before she declared herself finished with modeling and hopped off the couch. At least her shoes are cute. Now if you'll excuse me, I have heartburn like a knife in the night on top of my usual ailments. If I ever do this pregnant thing again, I should be sainted. 

We left our home alone for the first time. Off to Utah we went for the long weekend to visit friends, attend a reception and spend 3.5 hours at Ikea (not kidding). We had a great time and Holly was so good despite the fact that we kept her up one night the latest she's been since she was a newborn and despite the fact we drove all over the Salt Lake Valley. She's seriously such a sweet baby. Speaking of babies, Holly loves babies. She gravitates towards them. She loves children and is such a social butterfly. I love it. She doesn't fully understand how to be gentle but she'll get lots of practice soon enough. And speaking of that baby, I've hit the feeling fat phase even though my maternity jeans are looser in the hips, behind and thighs than they were when I was pregnant with Holly. On the happy side, we have our BIG ultrasound in two weeks! Which I can hardly believe. How am I already this far along? Why is time speeding by so quickly? First baby and Second baby have already been such a different experience. I'm dying to know what Second baby's personality is. But not dying so bad that I want time to continue to move at light speed... my First baby is growing up too fast! 

My brother's in town! We've had so much fun. We've been to the downtown, Boulder and today we went to Colorado Springs to tour the Olympic Training Center (one of three in the whole country). Did you know the government doesn't provide any money to the Olympians? It's all through sponsors and donations. We totally thought we'd see more Olympians so that was a bummer. But we loved the tour anyways and we all got completely psyched for the next summer Olympics in London and the next winter Olympics (which I prefer over the summer probably because Canada dominates) in Sochi, Russia. 

She'll bust you up!female olympian
I could honestly watch Holly walk all day long. It's so cute!Holly walking
One thing Denver is totally missing - field hockey.Field Hockey
John and Holly bobsledding
John and Holly
John and Holly
Holly has loved having her Uncle John here. She's totally enjoying the extra attention. Conor and I are also loving having John here, especially the Settlers of Catan games. 

I want to be better at taking photographs. Not only do I want to be taking more photographs, I want to be taking better, artistic photographs. I want to treat my camera less like a point and shoot and more like the camera that it is. I want to one day have a large collection of beautiful photographs that invoke strong memories and tender feelings. 

Holly & I
Holly & I
Holly & Conor
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