Today in our last block of church meetings, we discussed church buildings and our ownership of them. The question, "what makes your church building feel like it belongs to you and you to it?" brought a slough of thoughts to my mind. I thought of my childhood church building, the Parkland chapel. I think that no matter who I know, anytime I attend church at that building it will always feel familiar, like home. Why? Because it's the building I was baptized in. It's where I loved to hear my Father's testimony. It's where I learned the process of repentance and repented truly for the first time in my life. It's where I met Conor. Ultimately, it's where the foundation of my testimony, of who I am, was established. And because of those things, I feel a sense of ownership and belonging of and to that chapel.

Our current chapel, the Hudson building, is rather unique. There is a huge mural in the chapel. It was dedicated by a prophet, George Albert Smith. The Hudson Building carries a lot of history and many quirks. Why do I feel ownership and belonging there? Because it's where Conor and I began our family. It's where we've met so many of our best friends. It's been a part of a time in my life where I have grown and changed so much.

I loved this lesson that my ward family had today. I've always known that I love these two buildings, but I had never thought on why. 

I've made it to 15 weeks! Hip hip hooray! I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time today (so did Holly, she has no idea...) - my last 2 appointments have been ultrasounds, so no listening in. Could be a boy's heartbeat, could be a girl's. It's kind of a medium pace, 140s to 150s. We'll find out (hopefully) on September 21. 

I've got my baby bump! I've found this pregnancy to be on the extreme side when it comes to pain but I'm really hoping I can hold out a little bit longer on the maternity jeans. At least until 17 weeks (that's when I slapped 'em on when I was pregnant with Holly). But we'll see. That elasticized waist is calling my name...

15 weeks

Holly loves necklaces and bracelets. I'm a little bit baffled about how on earth she discovered and came to love them so much since I don't really wear jewelry. Holly's also decided that shoes are her thing which is such a relief. She's recently started toddling around but up until a week or so ago, she's despised shoes. She screamed and fussed anytime I put some on her. But now, she plays in her shoe basket and wants me to put them on her. I need to take out all the shoes that are too small (most she never wore because she never would) because she's pretty insistent and totally content to wear shoes that are too small. 

playing with a necklace
playing with a necklace
Seriously? I can't get enough of my Holly bear!

We're totally and completely moved over from our apartment to our house. Everything will still be going slowly since we have to re-drywall Holly's bedroom closet and carpet the room as well as clean the other carpets in the basement and purchase a closet system for our bedroom, but slowly and surely we'll get there! Right now Conor and I are sleeping in the guest bedroom and Holly has continued to share Conor's office. It doesn't feel like that much has changed, but in a few months... We're super happy with how everything looks and we can't wait to get our art pieces and photographs up on the walls and everything organized the way we want it!

Holly has been so well behaved and patient! In this photo, she really looks like her Larsen cousins to me! So Finn and Freyja!best baby ever!
Holly loves to do whatever I'm doing even if it's as drab a chore as mopping. Hopefully she loves to mop for the rest of her life!Momma's helper
Holly found this 1 3/4" nap roller to be one of the best lovies ever!loves
I unpack the boxes, Holly unpacks the pantry. She did actually help me unpack by passing me cans - so cute especially since she could barely lift them!unpacking
I love the way my red kitchenaid looks against our blue walls. Add to that the popping white of the trim and we've got true love!kitchenaid
Opinions needed! See below!shelves
We think we'll take the backing off of our cheap wal-mart shelves so we can appreciate the beautiful walls that are behind them. What do you think? Should we leave the backing on or remove it?
In the future Conor's going to make us some cube shelving. That's after he makes new window ledges (they're going to look fabulous!) and our bed. I'm totally loving this construction side of Conor and I completely support it. We may not be parking in our garage. Instead, I think we're going to leave it as a workspace and I don't mind one bit. Isn't Conor the best?? 

I'm so glad to be in my second trimester! I'm desperately hoping the nausea takes a hike now! That would be a blessing. The baby is doing well - I had an ultrasound yesterday and let me tell you, this baby has some of the cutest chicken legs I've ever seen! I was able to see the spine, the bulbous head, the belly, the legs, the umbilical cord... it's so amazing. Honestly, babies are miracles. This little tot is quite the squirmer. I've already felt movement, some really big. I'm excited about having a wiggly baby and at the same time dreading it because baby movement encourages contractions (which I've been getting now for nearly two months). I was a little sad that we couldn't see any gender defining features, but that makes sense since baby is measuring smaller than 14 weeks. Luckily my doctor took pity on me and choose to keep my due date as is. I do have my anatomical ultrasound scheduled though. On September 21 we'll hopefully find out if we'll be doing blue or more pink! I know time will fly, but I'm still quite anxious for that Tuesday to come!

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