Holly's first birthday party was incredible, all thanks to Melanie, my friend and neighbor. Mel put so much time into the invites, decoration and favours and she did an amazing job! How lucky am I to have such a good friend??? You can see her post on the party here (lots of double photos - we shared!).
How cute are these invites?
Holly's personal cake.
The favours. Inside were sour patch watermelons.
The grub - hummus, veggies, bread, fruit and water with lime and watermelon ice cubes.
These are the best cupcakes I've ever made and eaten in my life. They're a lemon cake with raspberry-lime curd and a whipped curd frosting. Incredible!
Holly snapped the elastic against herself and then hated the adorable hat.
My little ham - she's so adorable!
I found the cupcake recipe here. These are labour-intensive but worth every moment. They're just that delicious!

Well we took possession on Friday and since, we've sanded down the upstairs baseboards (which were once a sickly green and then a pink-brown), primed the master bedroom in the basement, taped off the majority of the basement in preparation for painting and vacuumed a gazillion times. There's been lots of other things done, however progress has been slow. I unfortunately can't do much over at the house seeing as I'm just barely 12 weeks pregnant and therefore in my first trimester. I can't really be in the house when the walls are being washed or when there's paint going up. Kind of a bummer. 

We've ran into our share of "bumps." The most daunting being the mold in Holly's bedroom and the scary laundry room. Great. Add to that wallpaper that wasn't removed properly in the designated office, needing to use oil-based primer on some spots and we probably have to replace the eaves. Ahh, tis sweet to be a homeowner! 

Peeling off wallpaper residue. The gray is the paint color of choice for this room.
Guest bedroom, so far no problems here!
Upstairs bathroom - I really like this bathroom. And no problems!
The mold in Holly's room. We're going to have to replace the carpet.
Master bedroom. This blue is the basic wall color that will be up thoughout the house.
There used to be a poorly made and small closet in this corner. Conor and his Dad demoed it.
Our shower stall in the bathroom basement that has a crack in the floor. Every single review on Home Depot's website (there was 5+) complained about a crack in the floor rendering the shower useless.
Scariest room in the house. There's mold in here too.
Kitchen. Not scary. Rather nice. It's going to be painted a pretty turquoise blue and I can't wait.
We're totally going to be house broke at the end of this. I keep trying to remind myself that in 3 months, when we're moved in and organized, I'm going to love the place and be so happy! Until then, I've been glaring at the house every time I go over just so it knows I'm disappointed in it's surprises. 

As of this afternoon, Conor and I are officially homeowners! It's been a long process, but we're so glad we hung in there. We can't wait to get sanding, painting, etc. Well, actually I can't paint (fumes + still in my first trimester = not good). But I think I'd rather paint than pack. Tomorrow, I will make myself house useful by sanding down the baseboards. Yipee!!

Baby #2 is on the way! My due date is February 15, 2011. For those of you frantically doing the math Holly and the baby will be 19 months apart. At my early ultrasound, baby was wiggling and punching and putting on quite the show. Conor and I are really excited to meet him/her. And Holly is too - she just doesn't know it yet! She'll love having a baby around, or she will for the first 5 minutes at least. 

PS: This is the only time you'll read the word "preggo" on my blog. I despise the word (call me old fashioned), but I do like the ring of "preggo my ego."

Man it's been busy since we arrived home from Canada.

2 many things on my to-do list. 

3 days until Holly's over-the-top birthday bash.

4 days until we're homeowners

5 boxes are packed (only!!)

9 (ish) days until we're moved in. Whew!!

Holly's been keeping me really busy! At her 1-year appointment, her doctor told Conor and me to pull the soother plug. The opportunity came for that when I couldn't find a soother (the kid likes to huck 'em out of her crib). She's been soother-free since Thursday. Holly's been super grumpy and although I don't think that has anything to do with her soother, I sometimes wish I could just pop a plug in her mouth. But, overall I'm glad we're done with the soother. Next is the bottle, but I'm just not ready to do that yet. My goal is to be bottle-free by October. 

Holly loves to pinch me. I'm her favorite outlet of frustration, whether it's from me not holding her, her being tired, whatever. Holly is more than happy to pinch me and tell me what's what. I've tried pinching her back, but she's just too tender and it hurts her feelings an awful lot, so I just can't do it! I think we may be giving time-outs a go in the near future. 

Holly can clap, high 5, give kisses, stand all by herself (she's SO close to walking!), say hi, mom, dad, duck, and ya, wave, give "loves," and occasionally fold her arms when praying. She's getting so big and I can hardly stand it! Even though she's grumpy pretty much all the time (teething? I have no idea!), I love her to bits and pieces. She's totally my girl. The other morning, when I took her out of her bed, she patted me on the back and said, "hi." If that isn't the best start to the day, I don't know what is!!!

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