Holly had a little birthday party at Grandpa and Granny's while we were in Calgary and of course, she loved being the center of everything! We made cupcakes and sang happy birthday. Holly would not eat the icing. The cake was a go though. What a goose!

After cupcakes, Holly opened up a couple gifts. Lucky duck! 

Last week, the Muirheads went camping! We had so much fun! 

We played in the river and Holly tried to eat rocks.Holly by the River
Holly by the River
Holly & Owen by the River
By the second day Holly did love sitting right in the water. Promise.Conor & Holly
Chilling in the hammock.Chilling on the hammock
Chilling on the hammock
Sad to be hiking.Happy to Hike
Hiking really tires Holly out!Fast Asleep
Our Family
Our Family
My favourite picture of our little trio!Our Family
We loved camping and can't wait to go again! We also really enjoyed the hike even though it was way longer and way hotter than we expected. 

Holly is ONE today! I can hardly believe that my little girl has celebrated every holiday, every day with Conor and I. We sure are lucky that she's a member of our family! We took a few photos this morning (maybe a little too close to naptime) and I think this is the best one. 

Holly's birthday
This morning we started a new tradition for our children. Every birthday we'll videotape us singing happy birthday to them in the morning (ideally while they're still in bed). I think after 18 birthdays, we'll have quite the movie. Holly was a little confused and then really happy that we were singing to her this morning. It was adorable.
Holly & me
Sand baby
Holly & me
Happy in the sand

Holly is so lucky! Each of us sisters on the Muirhead side had a baby within 10 months of each other. Can you believe how cute they all are??

cousins + mommas
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