Here are a few shots from the hotel window. We could see the Empire State Building from our window and it was really beautiful when it was all lit up at night.

water towers
water tower

I loved the Brooklyn Bridge. The view was spectacular and the bridge itself was incredible. It took us quite a while to walk across because there was just that much to see!

Favourite photo of the whole trip. Fave photo
Brooklyn Bridge view
Brooklyn Bridge
The blue-grey bridge is the Manhattan bridge. Manhattan Bridge
Can you spot the Statue of Liberty? Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge

Hey All. We’re home from the hustle and bustle of the big apple and back to our seemingly quiet and kind of rural Denver. Holly has a cold and I had a truckload of laundry to do. A flurry of posts yet to come. In the meantime, to tide all my avid readers over… here’s my favourite photo of Conor and I on the trip.

_MG_3426 - Version 2

It has been 6 months since Holly was born. In the beginning I sure could imagine life without her and although I still can, I just don’t want life without her! She’s my 5th appendage, my tag-along, my best friend. I love that she wants me to play with her and hold her. The unconditional love she has for me is incredible. Holly loves me no matter what and is always happy to see me and be in my arms. She is a surefire blessing and joy in my life! And I have a feeling that it’s just going to get better.

6 months
happy 6 months

I love my Holly Baby!

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