Check out that dimple!


love love LOVE this baby!

I love it when Holly learns something new! Today, when I put her on her play-mat, I helped her to touch the toys that hang down and she got it! She had the toy swinging and was really enjoying herself. I’ve been looking forward to Holly learning to reach for things. Her hands are so petite that I think it might be a while before she can grab things. But that’s what she gets for being super duper teeny tiny!


This past weekend Conor, Holly and I enjoyed the Colorado Outdoors and went tree-cutting with the Jensens. We, ourselves, did not cut down a tree for our apartment seeing as we would not be able to fully enjoy it and currently there are two love seats crowding our living room. However, we did quite enjoy offering our opinions to our companions. We went tobogganing and hiked around, sipped hot chocolate and ate homemade breakfast burritos. Will this become an annual tradition for the Muirheads? I sure hope so!





Holly loves her little ducky! She likes to give him mouth to beak and wave him around. This morning Holly woke up cooing because her little hand that had escaped her wrap was on her ducky. I think we have some attachment going on!



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