Having false labour at 38 weeks is the worst thing ever. Whoever is praying that this baby takes a little longer better stop it and stop it right now! I’m very sore after having 4 hours of consistent contractions last night. Can we just do this thing already?

If Holly is her father’s daughter and a true Muirhead, she’ll be born with a love of shoes. I made these on Saturday. I’ve finished all my “must sew” projects and now I get to work on “bonus” projects. These are bonus. The apple ones match Holly’s Apple Pinafore, and the pink and green ones are from leftover fabric from her quilt.

Holly come out now!

The pattern for these cuties are from Amy Butler’s Little Stitches for Little Ones book.

Yes! 38 weeks. The end is nigh! I must say it’s annoying to know about all these signs of labour and have quite a few of them (my least favourites are nausea and a baby’s head in my pelvic region), and still not know when it’s actually going to happen. We’ve been saying to Holly, “Holly come out now!” for a while, but obviously we’re having some obedience issues. The little tyke has definitely dropped and I am ready to have my body back. She feels restless on the inside. I’m hoping this week is the week, but she’ll probably be late. An August baby. On the upside, I gained a total of just about 25 lbs and then lost half a pound between my last two appointments. So hopefully I don’t get any bigger. Wishful thinking? Probably.

Conor and I are under contract for a house! Eek! I never would’ve guessed we’d be here at this point in our lives, but here we are; 24 and 21 and buying a home. This is definitely the summer for change! Baby, house… I don’t think anything else can happen! The closing date is August 21 – the next couple of months are going to be a whirlwind!

PS: I’m 1-2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Whoop whoop! Holly come out now!

Almost done. I’m so excited to not be pregnant anymore! At Aqua Aerobics this morning, a couple of the ladies commented to me that they think I’ve dropped. Who knows? I haven’t felt out of breath in a while. I think Holly is going to be one of those babies that likes her limbs out all over the place. She’s filled up the space from my groin to my hips. Do I look tired in this photo? I am. I think getting up to pee every 3 to 4 hours at night is good conditioning for getting up to nurse at similar time increments (hopefully feedings are that spaced!).

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