We’re happy to be home from Holly’s little procedure. It’s because she’s so small that we had to stay overnight at the hospital and apnea is a concern for babes that little. She did have to have oxygen blowing at her a few times and was generally upset. Man, she can scream! Conor and I couldn’t put her down unless she was completely asleep or else she would cry. She wanted to eat every couple of hours and was just plain unhappy. Holly’s doing much better today and she hasn’t had any tylenol since we left the hospital this morning. Everyone at the hospital thought she was the cutest ever! And no one could believe that I had just had a baby – love that!

To view more photos of Holly’s little trip to the hospital, visit Conor and my Mobile Me Album. You can also check out our stay at the hospital when Holly was born, Holly’s first doctor’s appointment and pictures from Day Seven (today).

Hope you enjoy your Holly overload!

My baby is tongue tied. Add to that me having flat nipples and we make quite the pair! Tomorrow morning we’re taking her into the hospital to have her tongue snipped. The procedure is called Lingual Frenuloplasty. She’ll be put under and will have to stay at the hospital for observation for 23 hours. Fortunately we can stay at the hospital with her. Although it’s only a 15 minute procedure I left our surgery consult an emotional wreck. I’m really praying and hoping everything goes okay. I must say I am looking forward to a less tiring nursing schedule, hopefully. Other potential results of this going un-snipped are a heart-shaped tongue and a speech impediment. Despite all the pros I’m still heart broken that my baby has to have this done.

Thoughts, prayers, love, encouragement welcome and needed!

Hello. I’m a little bit surprised at how having a baby can rock my world so much. I’m also surprised at how much love I feel for Holly and Conor. Very shortly after Holly was born I felt some fierce maternal instincts kick in and I honestly feel like I would do anything to protect her. It’s incredible.

My labour was fast. I didn’t sleep much Thursday night, although I did my best to rest. I started to get steady contractions around 10:30 or 11 Friday morning. We laboured at home for a little bit until my emotions got the best of me. We went to my doctor’s office at 1:30 pm and at that point I was 5-6 cm and 90% effaced. Fortunately we were smart enough to pack our bags into the car before we went to the doctors and so we just went straight there to the hospital. We checked into our room shortly after 2 pm. At 4:30 pm my water was broken (weirdest feeling ever!) and by 5:30 pm my contractions were only a few minutes apart and very painful. I choose to get an epidural. At that point I was 6.5 cm. It took a little bit of time for the epidural to kick in, but I tell ya, just knowing that relief was coming calmed my nerves and anxiety. Emotionally, I felt so much better. At 5:50 pm I was 8 cm and completely effaced and the nurse told us that our daughter had hair. At 6:30 pm I was 10 cm and ready to push. I dilated 3.5 cm in an hour! We started pushing and did a couple and then stopped and waited for the doctor because Holly was coming. We resumed pushing again somewhere between 7 and 7:10 pm and Holly was born at 7:38 pm! I had one of the nurses bring in a mirror so I was able to watch the birth of my daughter which was absolutely amazing.

I still can’t believe I did that!!

Our little baby arrived last night at 7:38pm. My labour and delivery was ideal and I’m very happy with how everything went. Holly Antoinette weighed in at 6 lbs 10.9 oz. and measures 20.75 inches and has a decent amount of hair. Conor and I think she’s a lovely mix of the two of us. She has the sweetest dimple in her chin and as soon as I saw that I knew that she was my baby. The feeling right after she was born was unlike any other. Definitely one of the most joyous moments of my entire life.

I finished Holly’s Christmas dress this morning. Yes, another “bonus” project. I love the fabric; it has wonderful weight! And I adore the scandinavian look to it. To add to my love for it, I bought the fabric at Denver Fabrics for $1.97 a yard. Score! I think Holly will like it.

Update: I’m almost 4 cm dilated and still 80% effaced.

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