Holy smokes! Where did the last month go? I can’t believe Holly’s already been a member of our little Muirhead family for one complete month. She’s a treasure! Holly likes to keep Conor and I on our toes; we’re always wondering if she’s going to sleep tonight. And I always wonder if she’ll go back to sleep easily after I feed her in the wee hours of the morning. She’s a pretty content baby however, she definitely has her moments and nights. She loves being held and especially likes the Baby Bjorn. Holly had her one month check-up today and I was surprised to learn that my baby weighs 8.5 lbs, putting her in the 30% for weight! I’m so proud of her and of myself since nursing has been a struggle. I knew she was putting on weight since she’s a poo and pee machine, but I didn’t realize it was that much!

Holly sleeps like a champ. Generally she’ll go for 5-6 hour stretched at night. Ka-ching! She’s eats on average about 5 times a day, sometimes 6. I know it’s no 8-12 times a day that’s recommended for newborns, but I feel fairly confident that she’s gaining weight since her legs aren’t so chicken-y and she’s outgrowing some of her preemie-sized clothing. Sometimes I worry about her weight gain, but then I look at her and see how much bigger she is already! She’s gets a little fussy in the afternoon and often resists sleep. Even so, I’m grateful it’s the afternoon rather than the other side of the clock! She loves her Daddy and always seems happier when he’s around and cuddling her. His feelings for her are mutual.

I love this little girl!

Holly and I finally went and did a quick photo shoot yesterday. I’ve been meaning to do this for a week! Holly and I beat the weather. Fortunately the overcast made for better light. When I began editing the photos, the thunder intensified and the lightning went nuts. It poured and the air raid siren went off. There must’ve been a funnel cloud or tornado in the east again.

To see more of Holly’s cuteness…

It feels busy around here, but when I think about it, I don’t feel like I’ve done much! Taking care of a baby is a real time suck! Holly is definitely thriving. Her cheeks are getting fuller and her legs are less chicken-y these days. She loves to wrinkle her brow and scowl. And when she’s hungry, she’s hungry!

Holly went for her first swim on Monday. She likes her baths (when she’s not starving) and seemed to like the pool too. She didn’t really open her eyes or anything so we’re just assuming.

More photos of Holly’s first swimming experience are available for the viewing on our mobile me gallery.

Dear Holly,

Thank you for coming early. I love you!


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