I have a little bit of a thing about bringing Holly home in the perfect outfit that fits just right. I want to be able to show her that outfit and say, “you were this small,” and then give it to her when she has her first daughter. If I want something to fit just right, I need to buy it preemie sized. And I found some perfect outfits from Janie and Jack. The thing is, they’re a tad on the expensive side especially when she’ll be able to wear the clothing for only a couple weeks.

My favourites are:

The last two are on sale. I’m just wondering how appropriate long-sleeves will be when it’s hot, hot! I guess she will only be able to wear them for a couple weeks and she’ll be in an air-conditioned apartment… I’ll be watching Janie and Jack very carefully in hopes of better prices!

The title to this post may be a little strong. I’m referring to all the women who have agonized about the sweet drink all we pregnant ladies must drink. Totally wasn’t as bad as everyone (a loose term) made it out to be. From everything I heard, I thought they’d be bringing in a jug that would take me many minutes to drink and a lot of self-bribery. Too bad too, there are a couple things that I’d like to give to myself. I also thought it would be saturated to the max with sugar and would be the consistency of syrup. Wrong. I had a choice of flavours, orange or lemon-lime and I decided to go with the classic orange. I figure that if some ginger ale was added to that baby it would make a pretty zippy punch! So the point is, the test wasn’t bad at all. I think Holly liked it. It was totally fine and nothing for anyone to dread. Now we just have to hope the test comes back negative for diabetes!

In terms of visiting the doctor, I really like my doctor and am hoping to have the baby on a Wednesday so my doctor can deliver her. I’m not quite measuring 24 weeks but I don’t think it’s anything to be concerned about. And I now weigh the same amount I did when Conor and I were wed. We’re getting really close to the end too! I have another appointment in 4 weeks and then after that I’ll go in every 2 weeks. Excitement and nervousness are equally setting in. 

Hello Belly! I feel like I started to seriously grow a belly at 22 weeks and it hasn’t stopped. I’m a little surprised by my growth and my new figure definitely is intriguing to me. Holly’s getting more visible under my skin and I can see her slithering around in there rather than just the kicks. She always gives me some good morning kicks when I wake up and sometimes she kicks right before we go to bed, giving Conor a chance to feel her strength. Earlier this week, Holly woke up and started moving around when Conor told her too. It’s cute to think she was responding to her Dad’s voice.

Last week I started to get Braxton Hicks contractions. It started out with one, maybe two, in the evening and now I’m starting to get a couple throughout the day as well. My pregnant body is a million times more fragile than I thought it would be. I’ve learned the hard way that I have to take care of myself or suffer consequences. Fluids are my best friend! Conor came to Wal-mart with me to push the cart so I wouldn’t have to and I was so grateful to have him there. In no way could I have done that by myself.

I have a doctor’s appointment on Thursday, which will be the good ol’ glucose test. So hope I don’t have gestational diabetes however, it’s a good way to tell if I’m genetically prone to diabetes and I don’t want to have a monster baby so bring on the sugary orange goodness!

Here’s a snap of the belly. Can you tell I’m tired and have had a tight stomach for much of the day? Seriously the best ab work out ever!

I’m dying to meet this little girl! From what I’ve gathered so far, I think she’s a lot like me – a homebody and a little feisty. We’ll see if my prediction is correct…

I know, I know, where are the posts about my time in Calgary or about my big ol’ belly? It just seems like the web is hot with great giveaways that I, as a pregnant lady, would love to win! This one is truly the ultimate baby shower gift from I Never Grew Up (there are regularly awesome giveaways on this site, seriously subscribe or bookmark it!). Vanessa is giving away a nursing cover, a diapers/wipes case, a mini bib (infant size), burp cloth, small baby bracelet (0-6 months), and two binky clips- one for girl and one for boy all in matching blue damask from Bitty Basics. To enter, leave a comment and for additional points, blog about it!


Hello! Freshly Baked is doing a great giveaway this week. Up for grabs is a aden + anais 2 pack muslin wrap set for baby in lime-brown. I never thought of using muslin for baby blankets but the idea really gets the mind turning! Even if you don’t win, the blankets look like really great value for the price. Head on over and leave a comment!

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