So I got an email from Melanie, our neighbor and good friend (and even better friend after this experience). She dropped off some mail at our apartment the other day only to notice a rank smell. Apparently our freezer decided to defrost and make a stinky mess. I’m a little choked because I had it stocked exactly how I like it. I had [homemade] bread in there so we could have something for breakfast when we got home and some freezer meals and lots of meat divided into proportions, etc. I can only imagine the disastrous state! But I am counting my blessings because although I’ll be grocery shopping like a maniac when I get back, I didn’t have to clean up the mess. Pretty sure I would’ve had an emotional break down if we had come home to that.

Thanks Mel. I owe you one.

Every now and then, I dream of being slim again. And buying clothes that fit a less curvy figure that once was mine. If I had the figure (and a little thing called moola) here’s what I’d be buying from J Crew this week:

I’m adoring the colour and femine details of this Frenchie Slicker.

Did someone say feminine details? This suit is stinking cute! I’ll take coral or black.

I’m totally crushing on orange these days. And these shoes are the perfect pop for so many outfits.

Hello from Calgary! It’s been kind of quiet around here probably because I’ve been spending quality time with some of my most avid followers. We’ve been having fun and I must say I did a pretty good job at milking my 21st birthday as much as I possibly could! Ha! My belly has grown so much since coming here sometimes making me feel a little panicky. Holly’s gotten noticeably stronger and was sweet enough to do some big kicks for her Daddy this week. I was surprised that he could feel some of them! She’s already spoiled rotten! We’ve received so much for her and we’re so grateful for everyone’s generosity. At one pound Holly already has a better wardrobe than her Momma!

Here’s a shot of my big ol’ belly. I dropped into H&M and bought this sweater (non-maternity, just one size up). I’ve done some serious growing in the past week!

Maybe it’s all in my head, but I’m thinking that because my belly and chest have gotten larger my legs and behind now appear smaller… Probably all in my head but I will say that’s one perk of pregnancy!

Just before we hit Montana and were still in Wyoming we saw a car on fire. It was probably the highlight of the drive.

On the baby front, Conor felt Holly kick the other day! So did Cora, but I was faking it for her. Shhh…


Should I keep the size of my belly a surprise or show photos so no one in Calgary is too shocked at my roundness? Conor is amazed at the size of my stomach considering our baby girl is only the length of a banana and doesn’t even weigh one pound. And I quote Conor, I could eat 10 bananas and my belly still wouldn’t be that big. I cave, here are some photos!

And from a different, more slimming angle:

PS: 21 weeks is where I’m at. And I promise to take photos of the previously posted dresses. I just need to wear ‘em somewhere first!

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