Hello! I’ve spent the past 2 days at my sewing machine, whipping up some dresses that will fit my growing belly. Yessir, I am getting bigger! I guess it makes sense since Holly weighs 10 1/2 ounces. I’m supposed to gain a pound a week from now to the end. Yikes!

Here’s a little sneak peek of the dresses I’ve made. They were really easy and both are knit dresses for comfort and, well stretch! The pink one is Vogue 8351, and the blue one is Butterick 4973. The pink dress may not last to the very end, however I think the blue one will and I plan on making a second one. Both were really easy and neither were altered.

And because I’ve been wanting to take a picture like this… what I see when I look down…

Guess who’s 20 weeks pregnant? ME! I’m so halfway! Which is great since at church, Conor was telling me that he really wants a baby right now! Working on it! Holly was a little wiggler in church yesterday. She loves church. And I love church too because I get to sit still and feel her move and groove. She was quite active all day yesterday and today and really let me know that she’s there.

I feel great, with the exception of the cold I’ve got that’s kicking my butt. Pregnancy has generally treated me well and has over all been a good experience. I’m happy to be pregnant; I like being pregnant. At the end of my first trimester I really wanted to give the baby back so this change in attitude is doubly positive! I can still physically hide my pregnancy even though my waist is essentially non-existent. Clothes are getting to be a challenge. I’ve been wearing maternity pants for a few weeks now in the name of comfort (I think we might be going through another growth spurt here soon, my tummy’s feeling tender). Some t-shirts are starting to creep up on me and I am constantly tugging them down. Sundays are the pits and I’m hoping I can remedy that in some small way. Conor likes to pat my belly, acknowledging its existence. We no longer have conversations where I insist I look pregnant and he insists the opposite but just ends up shrugging it off! We both know that I am visibly pregnant!

With only 20 more weeks to go I’m getting more and more excited to meet Holly!

First off, thanks for all the comments! I feel so l-o-v-e-d!

Second, a little FYI, we’re officially naming Baby Girl, “Holly.” I highly doubt another name will come along that I love even half as much as I love the name Holly so consider it already on the birth certificate.

And third, here’s a peeksy of Holly’s baby quilt made by yours truly. The fabric arrived in the mail on Wednesday and I got cracking! I have loved sewing this sweet little quilt. Everything has turned out a million times better than I thought it would. Conor and I decided to get it professionally quilted. Hopefully I’ll have it bound and washed and crinkly by the time we come to Calgary!

If this post leaves you wanting more quilt eye candy, head on over to Liz’s blog. She just finished the quilt top for the Little Miss Daria and Nathan are adopting. She’ll be doing a quilt giveaway soon which I’ll let you all know about even though I’ve already dibs being the winner.

Update: Holly’s quilt won’t be done being quilted until the beginning of April.

Last week, I finished a quilt for one of my good friends here in Denver. She’s having a baby girl, due at the beginning of June. It was my goal to finish this quilt before our ultrasound. I think I did pretty good considering I finished it the day after… it turned out pretty cute!

And here’s a little sneak-a-peak of the quilt I’m doing for our little bundle…

It’s from Heather Bailey‘s Bijoux and Pop Garden collections. I’m thinking of also writing up a tutorial for this simple quilt I have planned. Anyone interested?

Baby girl sure is strong! Last week, I felt her kick from the outside and was absolutely thrilled. Since I’ve been waiting for my next opportunity and it came this morning. She was doing some really big kicking before I got out of bed and so I felt her kick from the outside once again. One of them was so huge that I wish I had been looking at my belly too because surely I would’ve seen a footprint in my skin. I already feel like a proud momma of my strong little girl! I look forward to her every little movement in my belly! Now if she’d only coordinate with her daddy so he can feel her kicks…

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