Hiya! Here’s a little shot of me yesterday before church. The shirt I’m wearing is handmade by yours truly. It’s a Built by Wendy, Simplicity 4112. The sleeves are a little outrageous but very slimming, don’t you agree? I hardly look pregnant! Ya right. The pictures don’t really show this, but I used lime green buttons which I thought added a nice little punch (because the sleeves weren’t enough!).

My new favourite photos. She’s number one and she knows it!

And it’s a…


Much to our surprise, and I’m sure everyone else’s judging by the opinions, we are expecting a little girl. Ultrasound went well. She’s as cute as can be in black and white. I’ll post some photos later. We’re thrilled by the way! I can’t wait to see what she looks like. Brunette or blonde, my ears or Conor’s? I hope she has my nose! So exciting!!

We were finally able to frame a letter press print Conor purchased many months ago. I am in absolute love with this print and frame. I love having a picture of the temple in my home that is unique and very much unlike the ones you’d pick up from the Church Library for your Sunday School class.

Unfortunately, now our apartment looks even more piecey and icky!

Yes, tomorrow is the big day! I feel so ready for it. It feels so right to be here, where I am in life, despite the moments when I feel way too young to be a momma and maybe a little too immature too. Physically, I feel there. My shirts are starting to creep up on me and I think I’m going to have to start boxing up the clothing that I can’t really wear anymore. I’m a little in between two clothing worlds at the moment. Everything maternity is too big for me, and although my regular, non-pregnant clothing are working, they won’t be for much longer.

I’ve loved feeling my little baby kick this week. Ever since Sunday, when I felt the little thing move for sure, I’ve been so much more aware of the little kicks. Granted I can only feel it when I’m still because they’re so light and little. I love it especially when the baby kicks lots or kicks a little harder than usual! Hopefully Conor will be able to feel the baby kick soon.

This morning felt like Christmas Eve Day. As soon as I woke up, the first thought I had was, “one more sleep!” Ahh, boy or girl? I can’t wait to find out.

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