After our visit to the Chocolate Factory, we popped into a ceramic house. Just like the chocolate factory, this place is family run and operated. This ceramic house also offers lessons which I wish I had known about like 6 weeks ago! I guess I can't leave without a few regrets. This house was so large and interesting. So many plants and pots everywhere. The tall, heavy baseball bat looking thing is for smashing the earth into powder to make clay. 

I think I'm going to have to return here next week to buy a bowl. I'm pretty sure it won't be easy to bring the bowl home, but I'm already living with the regret of not taking classes and I can only take on so many regrets. We will just have to get creative and wrap it in the 4-6 alpaca blankets I plan on buying. 

I caught a picture of all three of my kids looking in mostly my direction and semi-smiling and that's a win in my books!

For my own future reference, this is the address... Mariscal Lamar 24-90 y F. Paredes.