Greta's 8 months old today! Where did the time go? In the last month Greta has started to move around even better. She can "army" crawl in a way. She holds her body up with her arms straight and then pulls herself forward with the help of her legs. She likes to tighten her abs by going into plank position every now and then. And, this morning, Greta was getting up on her hands and knees all by herself! She likes food now and gets really excited about it. She's the biggest bathtub splasher, way more enthusiastic than Holly and I thought Holly was crazy in the tub! Greta loves to be tickled and held. She loves hair! She loves her hair and she loves my hair and surprisingly, she doesn't pull my hair. She just likes to run her fingers through it. She's slept through the night about 4-5 times this past month. Heaven. Greta loves everything Holly does and thinks Holly is the funniest person in the world. And, Holly adores Greta. I sometimes wonder if this adoration is going to fade, but it hasn't yet. It's so wonderful. There's something about Greta that tugs on my heartstrings. She's so pure, innocent and beautiful. She has the sweetest spirit. She's brought a lot of calm and comfort and quiet love into our home. It's really hard for me to put into words what Greta means to me and the noticeable impact she's had on my life. She is absolutely my sunshine. She brightens up my life and makes me happy. There's something about Greta... my favorite word to describe her continues to be "sweet." 

Greta looooves her bunny! She cuddles bunny every nap and all night long. It's super cute.Greta
This picture is so Greta. Add some heavy through the nose breathing and some snorts and that's Greta!Greta

Greta at 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 months.