Oh Ira. He made some big strides this past month. He's really into solid foods these days and he's vocal about it. He likes to be spoon fed and is still working on feeding himself. He'll eat pretzels, toast, etc on his own, but anything mushy he's much more reluctant to eat with his hands. He won't drink water from a sippy cup. And I actually tried to give him a bottle this past month - that was a no go. He was not interested and was really angry at me for trying to put the bottle nipple in his mouth.

Ira is scooting around all over the place. He can pull himself along at a good clip. He rocks on his hands and knees lots and is beginning to pull himself up (on his knees) on the toy baskets. Ira can't get from sitting up to his tummy, so if the sissies want him to stay out of something, they sit him up on his bottom. I finally figured out why he looks so funny sitting up. Ira sits up with his legs straight out in front of him, not v shaped. His hamstrings must be incredibly flexible because he can dive and lunge with power from sitting.

Ira is not sleeping through the night. We really need to double down on that. He doesn't nurse very much during the day because he's way too distracted. Nighttime is another story!

I think Ira may be left handed, but it's still too early to tell. He's a joy and I love him.