Here’s everything tagged


We made it to Mexico after a long day of travel and one tight connection. It's so exciting to be here and rather exhausting. We all need to catch up on sleep! In a way, stepping out of the airport felt like coming home. So many things are similar to Ecuador and yet, there are so many differences. It was the first smell that really took me back to Ecuador. We all love hearing the people speak Spanish and we all long to speak better Spanish. 

Our apartment is wonderful, even if I do wish it was closer to the Centro. The nice thing about our apartment is that it's location is not at all touristy. There are other children in the building and my children are thrilled to play, run and scream with them. It's incredible! I love the bright colored exterior and inside, it stays nice and cool. Everything is really quite comfy! Today we bought some knives for the kitchen. I believe our cooking at home will be pretty basic. The food at restaurants is so good and cheap.