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“Greta the Great”

Greta continues to put in the work for snuggles with Ira. It's cute that these two are the last ones to go to school in the morning.

Our Greta is officially a teenager! Although, she's felt like a teen to me since she was little! We loved celebrating her! Our day started with waffles and presents. Greta had a basketball game after school and I had asked her, hypothetically, if she would like a birthday sign for her game. She recoiled at the idea and so of course, I made one! How perfect that her jersey number is #13! The vibe at the game was really fun and the crowd went wild when she sunk her 2nd free throw and got a birthday basket! So, so fun! I wanted an easy dinner so we all went to Chipotle after the game where our little guys were not easy and did not eat their dinner. We ended it all with cupcakes and a birthday party on the weekend to look forward to. Greta is a super awesome kid and I love that she is my daughter!

I joke that these two are personality twins. Greta is her most happy when Ira snuggles with her.

Greta is saying "goodbye" to elementary school and she's on to middle school! There was a little promotion ceremony and it was really fun to have my mom here for that. Greta won the Spirit of Roosevelt award and I'm so proud of her! She's a great kid! She had an awesome year at school and navigated the girl-drama well. I'm excited to see her shine in middle school!

My Greta turned 12 years old this month! Greta wanted high top converse shoes for her birthday and she wanted her ears pierced. I also bought her a pair of loose fitting jeans (OMG), which is a big deal. Hard Pants! Greta is creative, passionate, funny, loving. She wants hugs all the time and surprised me with how much she anticipated missing me when I went to Mexico City last month. She's my deep thinker and feels deeply. I'm so glad she's my daughter!

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