Each of our daughters have duplicates of their lovies. Each has eventually picked a favorite and rejected the other. Holly called her favorite duck "nice" and the one she rejected was the "angry duck." Greta followed suit also labeling her bunnies, but lately, she's showing her previously rejected bunny some love. Maybe because he's softer than the very loved bunny? I'm not sure. Either way, I love seeing her with her arms full of bunnies. Really adorable.

This set of photos helps to show the range of facial expressions Greta's demonstrating these days. Kiddo is a crack up!

For a long while, our photos older than 2010 were unaccessible. I've seen so little baby photos of Holly in the last few years. It's a weird sort of painful to look at baby photos of her... my heart swells because she was just so "Holly" from the very beginning and we loved her so much. Add to it the fact that she's coming up quickly on 5 years old and I'm one nostalgic Momma. My oh my, I love my Holly Bear. What a complete darling she was and is.

When Holly initially asked me to have a short haircut like Greta's, I took a deep breath and said, "let's talk about it." Cutting off her long, blond locks felt like a really big deal. She's Holly with long, blond hair, whereas Greta's the one that wears her hair in a bob.

I'm a firm believer of trimming off those whispy, scraggly baby locks no matter how much it makes your heart hurt because the child looks so much crisper on the other side and it makes one wonder why the trim didn't happen sooner. And so I've done that with my girls, and then Holly's hair got to the point where it was ready to grow out and so that's what I did. Let me tell you, it was beautiful. So soft when it was brushed. The perfect shade of beachy blonde. But.... it tangled like none other (she has my hair - fine and thick - so I know exactly what it feels like). We were always braiding it or doing something because otherwise, there would be big tears (Holly) and frustration (Me). I also believe in (or am trying to) letting kids choose their hair cuts. Kids have so little control over anything. Their hair feels like an ok place to hand them the reins (within reason obviously). Holly was sold completely on having her hair chopped off "to here" she'd say, holding her hand up at her chin. So we did it. And she hasn't looked back. She loves her new hair cut. She's still as beautiful as ever. I've tried not to utter any words of regret around Holly just because she's so thrilled and I don't want to teach her to regret a haircut... there's enough time in her life for that. So I'm letting her and encouraging her to enjoy it. With each passing day, I love her little bob even more.

Conor and I had signed up for Color me Rad and were planning on running it together-ish. Conor's much faster than I am. But then we ran into some problems and some teammates cancelled on us. So we made lemonade out of lemons and did the race as a family! There was only a teeny tiny bit of running, and four messy people to clean up afterwards, but it was a lot of fun and very worth it!

The girls had a great time! They loved all the colors. Holly remembered the last Color Me Rad I did and so she was excited to get colorful and dirty. Greta surprised us by not being bothered by the color thrown in her face. I'm still laughing hard over the photos of her! And I was concerned when I woke up with greasy-looking hair but the colorful cornstarch took care of it. It all worked out!

I took lots of pictures with my phone and posted them on instagram, but I also brought my "big" or "real" camera with me. We carried it in the stroller in a gallon-sized ziploc bag. It needed a good wipe down at the end, but faired well enough and I'm glad I brought it because heaven knows how much I love photographs!


We showered the girls to rinse them, and then gave them a bath and washed each of their hair twice. The bath water was pretty gross at the end of it!

I've been itching to sew for myself... I've done almost zero shopping for myself lately and my closet is feeling a little sad.

I made myself a Lisette Everyday Skirt. I've already made one (a few months ago, out of corduroy), so it was super simple and quick to put together. I chose to use a bright floral sateen. It's very comfortable to wear, and has a nice "bubble" to it. Pockets are always a plus!

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