I'm absolutely aware that finger sucking is not good (trust me, I was a thumb sucker), however, this is so Holly to me. I haven't even considered helping her break the habit although I probably should. Holly has quiet time every day in her room while Greta naps. Sometimes Holly plays for a little while and then crawls into her bed and chooses to sleep. I had to wake her up the other day and she looked so sweet I couldn't help but take a couple photographs of her. 

PS: not looking for advice on finger sucking. Just sharing photos and thoughts.


Our bedtime routine is very specific and always includes reading a couple of books. I snapped these photos the first night Conor had been home for bedtime after working long weekend hours. Greta usually does her own thing at bedtime while we read to Holly. Every now and then Greta joins us. 

I love these photos. Conor is an amazing father. This weekend Greta said unprompted, "Papa love me!" over and over again. She knows that Conor loves her. We're really going to miss Conor while we're in Calgary.

bedtime books
bedtime books
bedtime books
bedtime books
bedtime books
bedtime books
bedtime books
bedtime books

PS: Greta is reading, "Stuck," by Oliver Jeffers - one of our favorites!

It's been quiet on the blog. Mostly because I'm currently depriving myself of food I love. Conor and I started a new eating plan a week ago. I don't call it a diet - we're not counting calories or starving ourselves. We're eating low glycemic foods, which means more protein, vegetables and healthy fats. This means no grains, very little fruit (berries and granny-smith apples have low glycemic indexes) no refined sugar, no sweeteners, very little dairy. While I agree with the way of eating and do believe it's healthy, it's been hard. Who doesn't want a chocolate chip cookie at 2pm? I think I'm finally regaining energy and my cravings are starting to simmer. It's been a huge mental game for me to eat better, which has less to do with the food and more to do with my control issues. I'm complicated.

I've also begun the girls on a gluten-free diet as an experient to see if Greta is less extreme in her emotions. Refining how our entire family eats has opened my eyes to a whole new way to do food. Even if the girls don't have a gluten sensitivity, I think we'll be moving away from wheat and use almond meal, coconut flour and flax more because they are just so much better for our bodies. 

Yesterday, I really needed something. It was a tough day. Eating better means a lot more prep and a lot more time in the kitchen making more dishes dirty. While I'm slowly becoming more efficient it's been overwhelming. Add the other things that I have going on (for example Greta tantrums), and I'm a blubbering mess. But hallelujah! I came across a recipe for Paleo Banana Bread Muffins and they were my saving grace. I needed to bake something and I needed to eat a baked good. And the best part? These are more delicious and wholesome than other banana muffins I've made.

I'm excited about this new way of life. Health is so important and I'm beginning to really take it seriously. I've always been a fairly healthy eater, but there's a lot of room for improvement. Plus, eating like this fulfills one of my new years resolutions. Better health and a completed resolution? I'm in!

A week or so ago, I took Greta to a donut shop for a little date while Holly was at joyschool. Holly's poor little heart just about broke when we discussed our days at dinner and I talked happily about my donut date with Greta. To make it up to her, I made muffins with her and let her be more invovled in the measuring and mixing process than I usually allow. I'm a bit of a control freak in the kitchen. We had a ton of fun together and even though Holly didn't like the muffins very much (dunno why - they were delicious!), we had fun together. And I took some cute photos of her - bonus! Recipe can be found here.


After 10 quiet minutes in their bedroom, Holly and Greta emerged with Greta dressed as such. Holly was beaming and Greta was initially a little stunned. This is was sisterhood is really about! We'll be laughing about this for a long time. Glad I pulled my camera out!

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