One weekend, we went to Fish Creek park for a Muirhead Family dinner. The kids didn't eat much because they were having too much fun playing! Holly loved being surrounded by her cousins. She called them all her friends. It was really interesting to see how the girls interacted with their cousins. They haven't seen them in over a year. Finn (4YO) took such an interest in Greta. Cora and Freyja (6YO) took Holly under their wings. And Holly and Felix (3YO) picked up exactly where they left off as though they had never spent any time apart. I'm the most excited about Holly and Felix's little friendship. It's so sweet.

Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner
Muirhead Dinner

My top to-visit place while we were in Calgary was the zoo. It's a really great zoo. I have so many good, good memories of this zoo - my family went often when we were kids. It's a lot different now than when I was little, but the memories remain. We had so much fun there! 

We went early one morning with my family and we stood in line for the new penguin exhibit. It was awesome! Greta has issues with large crowds and with traveling in general so she was glued to me or she was crying. But I think she still had a good time, especially when she was eating popcorn or licking an ice cream cone. Holly liked the zoo. She asked me to take a picture of the elephants which is huge since she often tells me, "that's enough," when I have my camera out.


Today, Baby Henry received his baby blessing. I took photos of the Lee's and their extended family and friends after church. I have absolutely loved having such a beautiful family to practice taking photos with. We're so lucky to have found amazing friends in Kelly, Jim and Tessa. It's not often friendships form so easily and strongly. 

henry's blessing
henry's blessing
henry's blessing
henry's blessing
henry's blessing
Holly and Tessa
henry's blessing

Greta is wild, absolutely wild about animals. So it was perfect that my parents have both a cat (Hobbes) and a dog (Harmony). Greta pestered those animals to the moon and back. She especially loved Harmony. The other day, we saw some similar-looking dogs and Greta called them, "Harmony." Giving Harmony treats was crack for Greta. There's was dancing, stomping, giggling, squealing, etc. I just about died when I looked at these images on my camera of her expressions frozen in time. I can only imagine that it was an out of body experience for Greta because it was that good. Two words: Pure Joy.

Greta + Harmony
Greta + Harmony
Greta + Harmony
Greta + Harmony
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