Here’s everything tagged


Greta and I had a field trip with her preschool group in Green Bluff. We had a little tour and tractor ride and got to pick pumpkins. It was a lot of fun and really cute. This is the second time we've been out to an apple orchard and for some reason it's visiting the apple orchards that makes my heart sick for California. This was something we did every fall with friends. We would always visit Gizdich and pick a ton of apples! While I love Spokane, sometimes it's still really hard. All of the friends I went to Gizdich with were friends! I haven't really gotten to know any of the other families at preschool so they all feel like strangers. Spokane already feels like home, I just wish all my besties would move here too!

Other than the heart sick feeling, we enjoyed the field trip. Green Bluff is so beautiful and it's so close to home. We came home with a box filled with squash, apple butter and a gallon of fresh apple cider. And of course these cute pictures of my Greta girl.

For Holly, I helped Greta stamp polka dots on a skirt and then Greta helped me sew the elastic waist and the hem. It was so cute to see my girls exchange gifts. Holly has worn the skirt Holly made for her a lot - almost every day since Christmas. She really loves it! If I have the energy for handmade gifts between girls next year, I'm totally doing it!

I've had the hardest time finding a photographer in the bay area that's within my price range and takes photos I like. So... since I love taking photos anyways, Conor and I did them ourselves! I took these back at the beginning of November but have felt tight-fisted and hoardish about them because I love them so much. I made floral crowns for the pictures, partially because I wanted something a little special and partially because I figured if the photos didn't turn out at least they'd have that one great detail! I think the photos did turn out well thank goodness. Bonus, you can't tell that Holly cried in the middle of the session! The family photos and ones of Conor and I were tricky with a remote and no one behind the camera. Maybe we'll get better over the years. I really love my family. And I really love these photos.

Merry Christmas from the four of us to you and your loved ones!

I adore sister pictures. Bring on the pajamas, the bed head and a cozy Christmas tree. That's my kind of sweet.







The girls and I made some melted crayon ornaments. I love it when I see a fun craft idea and I already have all the supplies! Happy moment. These were fun to make - not too messy since all the melted wax happens inside the ornament. It was fun to choose crayon colors to mix. You can read the how-to over on the blog Meet the Dubiens. I don't think my blow dryer gets as hot as others (I know it's not as hot as the ones at the gym), and the lack of heat made it a little tricky to get the crayons melty and moving. But, it was fun and my daughters loved it.

crayon ornaments

crayon ornaments

crayon ornaments

crayon ornaments

crayon ornaments

crayon ornaments

crayon ornaments

crayon ornaments

crayon ornaments

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