Here’s everything tagged
Aw, Christmas. We had an extra lovely one that was so low-key. I spent a lot of the 24th cooking and preparing food. In the evening, we walked to the neighborhood park to sing Christmas carols with our friends. Then we returned home for French Onion Soup and salad. The kids opened up matching pajamas. They didn't really need pajamas but I'm in a point of crises where I'm not sure how much longer everyone will mind matching. I should've bought loose pajama pants for the teens though because they haven't worn them since. We got everyone to bed at a semi-reasonable time including Conor and I. Sweet, sweet memories.
This may have been the best Christmas ever. We had such a great day! Everyone was so pleased with what they received and happy to play and be together. Maeve built her lego set with very little help. If she asked for help, she didn't want anyone to give anything beyond what she specifically asked for, which honestly was mostly limited to finding pieces. She was quite determined! It was cute to see the girls exchange gifts. They really took the wheel on that and they were so excited. What a perfect day!
Oh, the magic of Christmas! We had a lovely, simple Christmas Eve with Grandma and Grandpa and Enoch's sister, Kayla. The kids loved opening up gifts and were thrilled to play with their new things. Conor was so excited for the family gift he had picked out - a Nintendo switch. And we managed to get the little ones tucked into bed at a reasonable time!
Over the weekend we went to look at all the fancy Christmas trees at the Davenport and cast our names into the raffles.
I feel like we've hit the time of the year when I question whether I'm doing enough to bring in the festive spirit while simultaneously experiencing deep fatigue. It's tricky to balance out all the day to day stuff with the addition of holiday magic. Whew!