Last weekend, we made a quick trip to LA. It was a bit rough getting out the door (we had to pop by at the ER because Greta ate something she shouldn't have. She was totally fine, but I was more than a touch razzled!), but we made it and we're ever so glad we went. It was so wonderful to be at Mary-Ann's wedding! And it was just heaven to spend time with Conor's parents and sisters. Holly and Greta adore their Nana and Papa! Greta had no problems cuddling right in and Holly just wanted to be near them all. the. time. No matter what! I love the photos I took. They capture the emotion perfectly. The happiness and the contentment. The tender moments. This is what family is all about. I'm lucky to have in-laws that love me and my little family so much!

nana and greta
nana and greta
nana and greta
Holly saying "I wuv you Nana" and rubbing Nana's back.nana and greta
nana and greta
nana and greta
nana and papa
greta and grandparents
greta and grandparents
Holly wanted to be near her Nana all the time, so she pulled up a stool and was completely content to just sit near her.greta and grandparents
Holly and Nana
conor and I
Aunty Liz was a big hit, as usual. She's just so fun and doesn't hold back!Liz and Holly
The happy couple!the happy couple!
conor and Holly
greta and papa
greta and papa
Loving on Papa.Holly and Papa
katie and greta

I had a crisis. My computer had only 5 GB left. And I had all these photos just sitting on my camera, waiting. We went to LA last weekend and saw family. The photos are suh-weet. But, you know, they were still on my camera until this afternoon. Last night, Conor took all the movies off my computer. I felt like I'd been wearing pants 3 times too tight and now I'm wearing some yoga pants. I can breath again. Sigh. Life is good. 

Anyways, since Easter is almost here, I thought I'd do a quick share of some of the projects we've done. I'm trying to be better at crafting with Holly. I love to watch her create. I especially love it when she paints. She becomes so concentrated and I love the little pieces of art. We made a bunny garland and now it hangs in our living room looking ever so happy. We're not big on going big for holidays, but I do like to do something. I made some little bunny pouches and bunny finger puppets last night. Those bunny finger puppets looked like something I could just "whip up." Yaaaa... they took longer than I thought and I ended up working later than I intended last night because I also needed to make something for the girls to Easter egg hunt with for this morning... Totally not my style. I'm very rarely up late working on a deadline. I don't like working under that kind of pressure. But whatever, I got 'er done. And the bunny finger puppets are seriously adorable. 

Anyways, the bunny puppets will go in the bunny pouches (which by the way, totally cool if you use cheap felt for these. I used the good stuff and they may not tie up so well - they're stiff), with a little bit of candy and I may make Holly some pastel play dough. Maybe. 

bunny garland
bunny garland
bunny pouches
bunny finger puppets

The same day I took photos of Greta, I also snapped some of Holly. Oh Holly. She's wearing her piggy jammies. She refuses to wear jeans or anything that could be in any way "uncomfortable." If it were up to her, she would wear pajamas all day long and never change into anything else except for a dress on Sundays. She's very determined about what she wears. The other day she told me that her jeans didn't match her shirt using that as an excuse to not wear jeans. My own logic turned against me. Fortunately, warmer weather is right around the corner and I plan on making Holly cute, yet comfortable shorts. We'll both be satisfied. 

These photos to me, are Holly as she really is. Messy hair. Funny faces. Blue eyes. Pajamas. My Holly.


Yesterday, Greta woke up from her nap first so I had some time with just her. We decided to take some photos since it's been a while. She's such a beauty! Greta looooves her bunny so much. He's her pal. She sleeps hugging her bunny tight every single night. It's adorable! Bunny was a gift from Nana and we picked it specifically to be her lovey. I wanted her to have a cute one. Perfect!

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