I totally forgot to share this on my blog until I saw it on pinterest! Obviously, a one-year old doesn't have a birthday wishlist and to be honest there wasn't much Greta needed. I make my girls a brithday dress each year, and we usually give them a book or two. In Greta's case, we gave her Hug Time because she's our cuddler and always wants hugs and kisses. But I wanted to do something special for her, something that could maybe be a keepsake. I embroidered a Princess and The Pea pattern for her that I had come across on Etsy. It was so fun to work on! Holly really enjoyed observing my progress too. It now hangs in the girls' room. It's kind of perfect because Greta is a little princess. She had this sleeper when she was still small that said "Princess" on it and we would roll our eyes at her because we were always getting up with her in the night. She's very peticular about certain things and can be extremely sensitive - I'm sure she would feel that pea! Lately, she's been putting on a "shy" act. Yes, Greta's shy and Holly launches into a full-on conversation with anyone that glances in her general direction! They are such a funny pair!

princess and the pea
princess and the pea
princess and the pea

Every kid wears saltwater sandals here in the summer. They're leather but can be worn in the water and everyone I've asked says they stay in great condition. Plus, they're really cute. So, I figured this was the perfect summer sandal for my girls. They can wear them to the beach and to church. Awesome. But instead of paying the full $35+tax, I decided to watch ebay for my girls' sizes, especially since they're supposed to be extremely durable. I'll happily toot my own horn because I bought Holly's for $19.50 and Greta's for $9.50 (shipping and everything included in those prices) and both pairs look like they've hardly been worn! I feel so clever. And bonus, Holly loves them! I'd like to get Holly an orange pair, but that's not something we need, so I'll probably resist. Her brown ones will go with everything. I can't wait for tan lines on my girls feet this summer!


PS: these are the first photos that I took with my new camera lens. I'm in love!

I made this shirt for Holly when I made this dress. She wore it yesterday and loved it. She calls her it her "ice cream shirt." Original right? I added a strip of fabric to the neckline to add a little extra something-something. It's nice when she likes what I make for her. Especially since sometimes she won't wear some clothes that I buy for her. Like the $17 capris I just bought for her. She tried them on and liked them, but she wouldn't wear them yesterday. Holly doesn't understand that she can't wear pajamas and leggings all the time. 

ice cream shirt
ice cream shirt

Whew! I am so sick and have been for over a week now. My birthday was on Friday and it wasn't anything too special because I am so sick! I did receive some lovely gifts, my favorite being a *new* camera lens from Conor! Yay! I haven't had a chance to play with it. My pounding head and tired arms aren't playing along with me. My poor girls have cabin fever. I think we'll take a trip to the park today and I'll just sit on a bench. In the meantime, here are some photos of one of our favorite places to go. Greta's big enough to ride some of the rides, which is so fun for her!

Greta looks scared, but she loves the carousel!Greta
Such a big girl! She rode all by herself!Greta

Today is day 5 of me being really sick. Poor Greta has just had to survive almost on her own. She's received very little attention. Fortunately for me, she's been a trooper! Yesterday, us girls watched a movie. Greta's not much for shows, but I gave her a snack and she sat still for a little bit. And that honestly felt like a gift to me! Plus, look at how adorable Greta is!

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