This past weekend, Conor and I did a little at home date night. Something we always talk about, but never have done, until now. Going out isn't always convenient. We have to either take the children (ah!) or hire a sitter ($). But, if we stay home, we can enjoy a little date night after we've put our daughters to bed. We made lovely pizzas, caprese salad, and topped it all off with gelato. It was wonderful to linger at the dinner table and have a real conversation with Conor rather than rush to wipe hands and faces and clear dishes so we might entertain our youngsters. I enjoyed relaxing in my own home with my favorite person. Funny how things change. 

The pizzas are topped with olive oil that's infused with garlic, thyme and red pepper flakes. The cheeses are fresh mozzarella, fontina and goat cheese. The argula salad is tossed in a dressing of olive oil, fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper. This pizza was so good that Conor felt like it was his birthday. That's the best compliment I could ever receive about a meal from Conor. (Recipe is from my favorite cookbook)

This is the kind of date night that will be repeated. What's your favorite date night?






Winter has come which means rain (but definitely more sun than rain). Which also means, no more beach trips for a little while (although this weekend is shaping up to be pretty nice). I bought Holly a shovel the other day - a big plastic shovel that I've been meaning to buy for a few months. Holly loves the sand and the beach and the ocean. Last week, we played "pretend ocean." The girls shimmied into their swim suits, and played in the bath tub. Holly was pretty excited about it! We may play real ocean though and go to Santa Cruz this weekend if the girls are feeling well. California living!

the girls
the girls
the girls
the girls

Greta has the most amazing head of hair. When she was born, I could hardly believe I had made, in my stomach, a newborn with that much beautiful, dark hair. Greta's hair is getting so thick and so long and coarse. Her cowlicks are a bit more tame these days although we still have issues. Greta's hair is wild! And sometimes it's a little awkward (sorry baby, it's true!). If I don't comb Greta's hair out after she bathes, she gets a little bit of curl. I'm hopeful that one day her hair will have some wave or curl to it, ideally like her Nana's or Aunty Nicole's. Not awkward, unworkable wave like mine. Greta's hair was becoming a little scrappy in the back so she got a little trim. Cutting a baby's hair is really hard! But, she looks much more tidy. Now we're just hoping Holly doesn't think that cutting hair is something she should do...

Before. See? A little too close to mullet.Greta
On the phone.Greta
On the phone again.Greta
Still cowlicky in the front.Greta
See? Little bit of curl.Greta

During church on Sunday, Greta fell asleep in my arms. For the whole of church (3 hours) she was a little angel. Playing sweetly, or cuddling up to me. And then, with a half hour left, she easily and quickly drifted off into sleep. She sat in my lap with my arms wrapped tightly around her, her arms wrapped tightly around her bunny, softly snoring. It's moments like that that make motherhood completely worth it. Soft, sweet moments that melt away the yelling and the frustration, the exhaustion and the unkept home. Motherhood is hard, but oh so worth it. I love who I am becoming because I am a mother.

The girls' had an empty little frame on their wall that needed filling. So, during a spare evening, I popped in a movie and embroidered little flowers on some white linen. It took me a couple hours, but I think it was worth it. I've enjoyed discovering embroidery, although I keep reminding myself, I can't embroider everything. Do you embroider? Do you like embroidery?

embroidered flowers
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