Holly is so stinking cute! I just love her! She was totally playing it up to the camera this morning when I was taking photos of her in her matchy-matchy outfit.


See what I mean? Adorable.

Is it normal for me to feel nostalgic about Holly being much more grown-up and less newbornish? She’s getting so big! I’ve been downloading the photos Jim and Catherine took when Holly was born and Holly has changed so much. I thought it would be really hard to convince me to be pregnant another round….

6 days ago, I got to go swimming with Holly. Holly loves kicking her legs in the pool and during her baths. In fact, if I’m not careful she’ll kick hard and bump her head against the other side of the kitchen sink. It’s my goal as a mother to instill a love of water and swimming in each of my children. So far, so good.

Or at least in my opinion she is…

Finally! A Catalogue Katie! Yay! I bought this skirt for $4.00. Love it!

I did my first real work-out last night. I’m pretty pleased with myself especially since the last time I ran, I pulled a muscle in my pregnant stomach. I basically haven’t ran since last fall. Last night felt good.

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