This is absolutely hilarious to me. That girl cracks me up. She was totally digging the sucker although she would look away as though if she didn’t make eye contact then she wasn’t doing anything wrong.


One day I will post something non-baby related. For now, I’m pretty wrapped up in my little girl. Especially since she’s a rolling over girl. Yup, you read that right. Holly has rolled over! She went tummy to back for the first time on September 21. I shrieked, yelled, freaked out; basically did every cliche thing Moms do. Then a couple days later Holly rolled over both directions, again and again! Seven times to be precise. She’s been holding out on us despite me eagerly encouraging her to do tummy time (see previous post), but alas she finally rolled for her Daddy and Papa to see this morning. Conor says it’s a fluke and that Holly doesn’t know what she’s doing. I will continue to claim that she’s perfectly aware and an absolute genius baby. Yet again, she’s made a fan out of me.

I posted a couple videos of Holly rolling to the Right and to the Left. Oh the things that fill me with pride.

This is the result of tummy time following too closely behind meal time. Yes, it was up her nose. And yes, I laughed and took a couple photos before cleaning her up.


We made it! Holly was really good. She cried for a total of 10 minutes because she was hungry and squawked every now and again for attention. The other highlights of our trip? Free-range camels in Wyoming and a gravel road highway in Montana. Not kidding.

Who doesn’t love a naked baby??


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