Maeve gets to go to the absolute best outdoor preschool. She comes home singing songs and telling us all sorts of tall tales. One truth is that there are a lot of frogs who live in the pond. Another truth is that she saw a blue heron eat a frog. I love so much that she gets to have this experience!

Oh my goodness! These two! I joke that E is the Alpha and Ira is the Beta. E loves to be playfully squished and so we think that's what he's doing to Ira every chance he gets. Squishing him and attempting to poke out an eye or two.

Ira's getting bigger every day - he's growing like a weed!

I was at Finch Arboretum with friends and the kids found all these dandelions. We put them to use to make something extra cute!

I snapped this photo and thought it was such a beautiful representation of childhood. Can you find Maeve?

Every now and then, I can be a fun mom. Maeve, E and I had a dance party one weekend while Ira was sleeping and the older kids were at soccer. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed letting loose and moving my body!

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