We attended our church's Easter Egg hunt this year. And of course, Holly and Greta loved it. What a thrill to find eggs with treasures inside! I didn't think I was letting my girls eat a lot of candy, but when it all came up out of Greta's tummy that afternoon, I realized that what a lot of candy means to them has changed. Granted, she got herself all worked up... but still. I kind of feel like an irresponsible parent. And I was glad we had limited the chocolate giving the next day to a small amount.

As for having no Easter Bunny, the girls didn't seem to notice and Conor and I were the recipients of gratitude. I just can't get on board with the Easter bunny. Santa Claus, yes absolutely, he's a symbol of giving. But not the big old bunny. It was a little tough when other children asked what the EB brought. I put it simply, the Easter bunny doesn't visit our house, Mom and Dad give gifts instead. I don't want to compromise anyone else's choice to have the EB tradition, but I also don't want to feel pressured to make up the EB just because everyone else does.

Anyways, here's some cute Easter Egg hunt photos to lighten this post up! I've been snapping some fun sister pictures lately and that makes me happy!