On February 7th, Greta turned 7 years old! I can't believe she's seven and at the same time I can... we have been counting down to her birthday for a long time! Greta's birthday differed greatly from our usual traditions. I packed balloons and a golden crown (for her golden birthday), but there were very few presents, I didn't sew a birthday dress and we didn't eat our typical birthday food. The day before Greta's birthday, we went to the market and bought fruit for a fruit salad for breakfast. We ate ice cream (helado, helado, helado! Cincuenta sentavos!) twice. The spanish school was so thoughtful and bought a cake and every sang. Because the cake was gluten, Greta couldn't eat it, but mature beyond her years, she felt deeply celebrated. I feel really proud of how Greta responded to her very different birthday in Ecuador. I love Greta very much and I can't believe she's grown so much from her little self. When we brought her home from the hospital, she weighed a mere 4lb, 12oz! My smallest baby!