While in Salinas, we ate at the same restaurant for all our meals. This was one of the most interesting weekends of my life! It was a total release of any and all control and planning. We do our best to communicate but our Spanish is only so good. I like to have a plan and I like control, however this was a good learning experience of everything turning out great without either. Honestly, this weekend was a wild ride in so many ways! Traveling there and back, stuffing 7 adults and 5 children into a hot, hot vehicle... The company was perfection and we just love the people we got to spend the weekend with! We continually find ourselves feeling immensely blessed. 

Here are some pictures of Maeve at the one restaurant we ate at. The server introduced Maeve to all the other employees and held her for a good chunk of time and gave Maeve her own little bowl of popcorn. Maeve is living the pampered life here in Ecuador. She is adored by everyone!

And ya, that's soda my baby is cuddling up to. I've never seen anyone give their children warm coca cola until coming here to Ecuador!