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We had lots of fun cheering on the middle school marching bands at the jr Lilac Parade. The littles ate SO much candy. This was our first time watching this parade and it was great!

Easter 2023 brought us a very full table of family and dear friends. Honestly, having lots of people I love in my home makes my heart fill to bursting! This is what dreams are made of.

Well, going with the goal of being present over Christmas, I took next to no photos on Christmas Day! Just a few snaps in the morning and one of Christmas dinner in the evening. It was a busy and full day. Lots more food and games. We hosted Christmas Dinner with grandparents and good friends. At the end of the day, I was exhausted! The children had a great day and they're really enjoying their new toys. This holiday season was 100% exhausting, but I'm not sure that I'd change anything!

Here are some photos of our Christmas Eve! This year, Christmas was all about playing games and eating food. It was a really special one, and I'll hopefully always remember it. I mean look at all those cute kids in matching pajamas!

The girls had the week before Christmas off of school and my goal was to spend time together. I put aside personal projects (no pottery) to play, craft, bake and watch movies with my kids. I dropped some balls this Christmas for sure, but being present was one thing I did right. One day, before the cold temps dropped in, we went sledding at a neighborhood park. Oh what fun we had! There was so much laughing and playing. It was so delightful! No one cried and when we were done, we came home and the girls made hot chocolate. I hope my children remember this about their Christmas break and not all the times they told me they're bored and that it's the longest week ever.

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