I pressed some flowers this summer so that my girls could make flower art. And here it is!

Round and round the carousel about 5x.

And, oh my gosh, so glad I caught the pic of Maeve on the tiger.

Before our best friends left for Spain for the last month of summer (what? I know!), we met at the Splashpad for a picnic and some play time. We miss them like crazy and can't wait until they come back. Until then.. check out this cute crew!

Maeve spent a week as the only child in the house. It was a busy week for Conor and I as we finished up getting ready to be foster parents. Maeve loved having the toys and her parents all to herself. She played so hard and I had some fun doing some toddler specific activities with her.

We went back to Yahk for a weekend to drop Holly and Greta off for kidcation. We played pretty hard when we were there. We went to Kootenay Lake twice and we found a hike to go on. My sister and her family were out there too so there was lots of cousin bonding and laughs. And Chef Blakey fed us all like kings!

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